English for Academic Purposes: Approaches and Implications

Paul Thompson, Giuliana Diani ... 350 pages - Publisher: Cambridge; 1st edition (April, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1443874396 - ISBN-13: 978-1443874397 ...

The analysis of academic genres and the use of corpus resources, methods and analytical tools are now central to a great deal of research into English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Both genre analysis and corpus investigations have revealed the patterning of academic texts, at the levels of lexicogrammar and discourse, and have led to richer understandings of the variations in such patterning between genres and between disciplines. The thirteen contributions included in this volume address issues in academic discourse studies from a range of perspectives: namely, corpus-based research into EAP at the lexicogrammatical and genre levels (Section 1); intercultural EAP research (Section 2); English as a Lingua Franca in academic communication (Section 3); and the relationships between corpus, genre and pedagogy in EAP, with an emphasis on implications and applications (Section 4). The collection is aimed primarily at teachers, students and researchers of EAP and applied corpus linguistics, but will also interest applied linguists in general. The emphasis of the contributions varies from studies with predominantly linguistic orientations to those focussing on practical applications.

English for Academic Purposes: Approaches and Implications, Paul Thompson, Giuliana Diani

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