Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice Vol: 2

A. Nakase, T. Tsuchida ... 278 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (January, 2002) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 9058091538 - ISBN-13: 978-9058091536 ...

The International Symposium on "Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice (IS-Yokohama 2000)" was held from 20 to 22 September 2000 in Yokohama, Japan and sponsored both by TC-30 of ISSMGE on "Coastal Geotechnical Engineering" and by the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS). This symposium attracted 310 participants from many countries and IS-Yokohama 2000 is remembered as a successful event for gathering valuable information and experiences from various researchers and case studies on soft ground engineering technology in coastal areas. During the symposium participants heard invited leading experts present lectures and reports and had a chance to meet with representatives of various research fields of interest. As a fulfilment of the promis made during the symposium, a second volume was produced after the conference with contributed paper of those presentations in keynote addresses, special lectures, project reports and special discussion sessions, with the hope that this will be a valuable reference for engineers, academics, consultants and those who are interested in Coastal Geotechnical Engineering.

Coastal Geotechnical Engineering in Practice Vol: 2, A. Nakase, T. Tsuchida

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