Designers' Guide to Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures

P. Tindall, T. Hoglund ... 168 pages - Publisher: ICE Publishing; (August, 2012) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727757377 - ISBN-13: 978-0727757371 ...

Eurocode 9 covers the design of building and civil engineering works made from wrought and cast aluminium alloys. While aluminium is a lesser-used material, EN9 (EN 1999-1-1 and -1-4) is a complicated document and there is currently very little guidance to its use. The latest addition to the bestselling Designers Guide series addresses the considerable demand for Eurocode guidance covering aluminium.

Designers' Guide to Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures EN 1999-1-1 and -1-4, P. Tindall, T. Hoglund

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