Practical MatLab Applications for Engineers

Misza Kalechman ... 704 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (September, 2008) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1420047760 - ISBN-13: 978-1420047769 ...

Practical Matlab Applications for Engineers provides a tutorial for those with a basic understanding of Matlab®. It can be used to follow Misza Kalechman’s, Practical Matlab Basics for Engineers. This volume explores the concepts and Matlab tools used in the solution of advanced course work for engineering and technology students. It covers the material encountered in the typical engineering and technology programs at most colleges. It illustrates the direct connection between theory and real applications. Each chapter reviews basic concepts and then explores those concepts with a number of worked out examples.

Practical MATLAB Applications for Engineers, Misza Kalechman

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