G. S. Pandit, S. P. Gupta ... 612 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2dn edition (2008) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: N/A - ISBN-13: 978-0070667358 ...
Meant for the undergraduate students of civil engineering, this text on
"Structural Analysis" has been updated with units in the SI system. It
has been written in a clear lucid style which presents the complex
concepts of matrix analysis in an easy-to-understand manner. Features It
assumes only an elementary knowledge of structural mechanics, briefly
but lucidly discusses fundamental concepts of structural analysis. A
unique feature is the combined discussion of the two methods i.e. the
force method and the displacement method for each category of structure.
This enables their critical comparison and provides an understanding of
their merits and demerits . Before discussing the matrix methods in
detail, sufficient information on matrix algebra and a preview of the
two main methods is given.