Displacement Based Seismic Design of Structures

M. J. N. Priestley, G. M. Calvi, M. J. Kowalsky ... 
721 pages - Publisher: IUSS Press; 1st edition (May, 2007) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 8861980007 - ISBN-13: 978-8861980006 ...

Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures is a book primarily directed towards practicing structural designers who are interested in applying performance-based concepts to seismic design. Since much of the material presented in the book has not been published elsewhere, it will also be of considerable interest to researchers, and to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of earthquake engineering who wish to develop a deeper understanding of how design can be used to control seismic response.

Displacement Based Seismic Design of Structures, M. J. N. Priestley, G. M. Calvi, M. J. Kowalsky

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