River Mechanics

Pierre Y. Julien ... 456 pages - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press; 1st edition (August, 2002) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0521529700 - ISBN-13: 978-0521529709 ...

This textbook offers a thorough analysis of rivers from upland areas to oceans. Julien scrutinizes select methods underlining both theory and engineering applications, emphasizing the mechanics of flood wave propagation and sediment transport in rivers. Chapters provide detailed treatments of riverbank stabilization and engineering methods and cover physical and mathematical models. Together, they elucidate measures to reduce flood impact and bank erosion, improve navigation, and increase water supply to cities and irrigation canals. More than 100 exercises and nearly twenty case studies make this book an invaluable learning tool for students. In a comprehensive analysis of rivers, this text scrutinizes select methods underlining both theory and engineering applications, emphasizing the mechanics of flood wave propagation and sediment transport. It covers fundamental principles, engineering analysis, and engineering design, with problems, examples, and case studies. Channel stability and river dynamics are examined, as are riverbank stabilization and engineering methods. Separate chapters cover physical and mathematical models. The text is essential reading for the theory behind and the design of measures to reduce flood impact and bank erosion, improve navigation, and increase water supply to cities and irrigation canals. For advanced students, researchers, and practitioners. 

River Mechanics, Pierre Y. Julien

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