Statics: Learning from Engineering Examples

Igor Emri, Arkady Voloshin ... 
570 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (March, 2016) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1493921002 - ISBN-13: 978-1493921003 ...

This textbook introduces and explains the basic concepts on which statics is based utilizing real engineering examples. The authors emphasize the learning process by showing a real problem, analyzing it, simplifying it, and developing a way to solve it. This feature teaches students intuitive thinking in solving real engineering problems using the fundamentals of Newton’s laws. This book also: Stresses representation of physical reality in ways that allow students to solve problems and obtain meaningful results. Emphasizes identification of important features of the structure that should be included in a model and which features may be omitted. Facilitates students' understanding and mastery of the "flow of thinking" practiced by professional engineers.

Arkady Voloshin, Statics: Learning from Engineering Examples, Igor Emri

... Civil Engineering [Coastal, Waterway & Ocean Engineering - Construction Engineering - Dams & Hydraulic Engineering - Earthquake Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering - Structural Engineering - Transportation Engineering etc.]

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