Predictive Hydrology: A Frequency Analysis Approach

Paul Meylan, Anne-Catherine Favre, André Musy ... 
180 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (March, 2012) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1578087473 - ISBN-13: 978-1578087471 ...

The unusual frequency of hydro-meteorological events in recent decades, often with catastrophic consequences for society and the environment, require new methods for designing water management projects and the structures meant to protect us from natural hazards. These methods and techniques are often based on the statistical modeling techniques of frequency analysis.

Predictive Hydrology: A Frequency Analysis Approach is the first book to address both the theoretical concepts and the methodological approaches used in frequency hydrology―spelling out the fundamental methods to consider, providing concise instruction on the techniques that are involved, and including examples and critiques based on practical applications. It explores some of the recent research developments in the field.

Published originally in French, this English translation targets students in civil engineering, environmental sciences and technology, hydrology, geography, geology and ecology. This book will also serve as a useful reference not only for teachers and researchers, but for engineering practitioners, who are constantly faced with the problems of handling data, but often find themselves without the appropriate analytical tools.

Predictive Hydrology: A Frequency Analysis Approach, Paul Meylan, Anne-Catherine Favre, André Musy

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