Slawomir Koziel, Leifur Leifsson, Xin-She Yang ... 335 pages - Publisher: Springer; (October, 2014) .... Language: English - ASIN: B00PUM0U4E by Amazon Digital Services ...
Computational complexity is a serious bottleneck for the design process
in virtually any engineering area. While migration from prototyping and
experimental-based design validation to verification using computer
simulation models is inevitable and has a number of advantages, high
computational costs of accurate, high-fidelity simulations can be a
major issue that slows down the development of computer-aided design
methodologies, particularly those exploiting automated design
improvement procedures, e.g., numerical optimization. The continuous
increase of available computational resources does not always translate
into shortening of the design cycle because of the growing demand for
higher accuracy and necessity to simulate larger and more complex
systems. Accurate simulation of a single design of a given system may be
as long as several hours, days or even weeks, which often makes design
automation using conventional methods impractical or even prohibitive.
Additional problems include numerical noise often present in the
simulation data, possible presence of multiple locally optimum designs,
as well as multiple conflicting objectives. In this edited book, various
techniques that can alleviate solving computationally expensive
engineering design problems are presented. One of the most promising
approaches is the use of fast replacement models, so-called surrogates,
that reliably represent the expensive, simulation-based model of the
system/device of interest but they are much cheaper and analytically
tractable. Here, a group of international experts summarize recent
developments in the area and demonstrate applications in various
disciplines of engineering and science. The main purpose of the work is
to provide the basic concepts and formulations of the surrogate-based
modeling and optimization paradigm, as well as discuss relevant modeling
techniques, optimization algorithms and design procedures. Therefore,
this book should be useful to researchers and engineers from any
discipline where computationally heavy simulations are used on daily
basis in the design process.