Ground Bearing Concrete Slabs

John Knapton ... 312 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing; (January 1, 2003)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727731866 - ISBN-13: 978-0727731869

Ground bearing concrete floors, industrial concrete hardstandings and concrete highway pavements have not, in the past, been perceived as a single type of structural element and their construction has taken place independently of each other. This is in spite of their obvious commonality in the areas of design, materials, geotechnical appreciation and construction.

Ground Bearing Concrete Slabs has been specifically written to break down the walls that have arisen between these three areas and focus on the issues that are common to them all.

Ground Bearing Concrete Slabs, John Knapton

... Our aim is Engineering Education Without Barriers: The notion of education being free for all is a revolutionary concept that is capable of transforming the world to a better place. Education has the power to uplift individuals, families, and entire societies out of poverty and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. Education is a human need, and it is essential for personal and societal progress. In today's world, technological advancement has made it possible to access education for free or at a reduced cost. This has become a game-changer in education, breaking down barriers and leveling the field for students across countries, societies, and classes.

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