Your one-stop answer guide to hydraulics engineering and design. Turn to Handbook of Hydraulics, Seventh Edition, for the tables, formulas, computer applications, and other resources you need to design and engineer virtually any hydraulic system. Bringing Ernest F. Brater and Horace W. King's last edition into the 21st century, James E. Lindell and C.Y. Wei have revised and updated this unmatched advisor--coverting all constants to metric units-to give you powerful solutions governing: Viscosity, surface tension, and elasticity; fluid pressures and hydraulic forces; laminar, turbulent, steady, and unsteady flows; oscillatory, breaking, and wind-generated waves plus shore erosion control' flow through orifice gates, tubes, weirs, and pipes; uniform and nonuniform flow in open channels; high-velocity transitions through straight-walled, enlargement, and curved-wall constrictions; unsteady open channel and spatially variable flow; flow measurement with meters, pilot tubes, venture flumes, and other devices; computer-based numerical methods; much more.
The definitive reference: Now completely updated to reflect the
latest advances in hydraulic engineering Continuing its traditon of
excellence as the standard reference on hydraulics for more than 75
years, this seminal work has been thoroughly revised and updated to help
practicing engineers solve hydraulic engineering problems well into the
next century. Packed with current and dependable data, tables,
formulas, and other crucial information that generations of
professionals have come to rely on, the Seventh Edition contains many
valuable new features, including: An extensive listing of computer
software programs--over 150 in all--to help speed computations,
analyses, and solutions of modern hydraulic engineering problems.
Included is a description of each program's capabilities, availability,
and cost. General discussion of the ways in which computer techonology
is playing an increasingly important role in solving problems related to
unsteady flow in open channels and conduits. . .pipe networks. .
.spillways. . .sediment transport. . .shallow surface water. . .water
quality. . .reservoir dynamics. . .hydrodynamic transport in rivers. .
.coastal hydraulics. . .flow through porous media. . .hydraulic turbine
units and draft tubes. . .and much more. Conversion to metric units
throughout. . .many updated numerical examples showing applications to
real-world problems. . .and a wealth of key analytical background
material. This classic handbook is, now more than ever, an indispensible
reference for every engineer who wants to save time and effort making
accurate hydraulics computations.