Experimental Stress Analysis for Materials and Structures

Alessandro Freddi, Giorgio Olmi, Luca Cristofolini ... 
498 pages - Publisher: Springer; (March 21, 2015)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319060856 - ISBN-13: 978-3319060859

This book summarizes the main methods of experimental stress analysis and examines their application to various states of stress of major technical interest, highlighting aspects not always covered in the classic literature. It is explained how experimental stress analysis assists in the verification and completion of analytical and numerical models, the development of phenomenological theories, the measurement and control of system parameters under operating conditions, and identification of causes of failure or malfunction. Cases addressed include measurement of the state of stress in models, measurement of actual loads on structures, verification of stress states in circumstances of complex numerical modeling, assessment of stress-related material damage, and reliability analysis of artifacts (e.g. prostheses) that interact with biological systems. The book will serve graduate students and professionals as a valuable tool for finding solutions when analytical solutions do not exist.

Experimental Stress Analysis for Materials and Structures: Stress Analysis Models for Developing Design Methodologies, by Alessandro Freddi, Giorgio Olmi, Luca Cristofolini

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