Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics

Gary L. Gray, Francesco Costanzo, Michael Plesha ... 784 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; (March, 2009) - Language: English - ISBN-10: 0077275543 - ISBN-13: 978-0077275549.

Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics presents the fundamental concepts, clearly, in a modern context using applications and pedagogical devices that connect with today’s students. The text features a four-part problem-solving methodology that is consistently used throughout all example problems. This methodology helps students lay out the steps necessary to correct problem-formulation and explains the steps needed to arrive at correct and realistic solutions. Once students have fully mastered the basic concepts, they are taught appropriate use of modern computational tools where applicable.

Further reinforcing the text's modern emphasis, the authors have brought engineering design considerations into selected problems where appropriate. This sensitizes students to the fact that engineering problems do not have a single answer and many different routes lead to a correct solution. The first new mainstream text in engineering mechanics in nearly twenty years, Plesha, Gray, and Costanzo’s Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics will help your students learn this important material efficiently and effectively.

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Gary L. Gray, Francesco Costanzo, Michael Plesha

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