Atlas of Structural Geology

Soumyajit Mukherjee ... 200 pages - Publisher: Elsevier; 1st edition (June 29, 2015)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0124201520 - ISBN-13: 978-0124201521

Atlas of Structural Geology features a broad and inclusive range of high-quality meso- and micro-scale full-color photographs, descriptions, and captions related to the deformation of rocks and geologic structures.

It is a multi-contributed, comprehensive reference that includes submissions from many of the world’s leading structural geologists, making it the most thorough and comprehensive reference available to the scientific community. All types of structures are featured, including structures related to ductile and brittle shear zones, sigma- and delta-structures, mineral fish, duplexes and trapezoids, shear related folds, and flanking structures in meso- and micro-scales. A stunning collection of the world’s most beautiful and arresting geologic structures, the Atlas of Structural Geology is the ideal aid in the retention of key concepts in geology.

Presents more than 250 top-quality, full-color photographs contributed by the world’s most respected structural geologists + Features a broad range of morphological variations of geologic structures, making it the most up-to-date and inclusive reference of its kind + Edited by a structural geologist with 14 years of experience in related research and instruction + Aids researchers in developing mathematical and analogue models on the peculiarity and uniqueness of the world’s most iconic structures.

Atlas of Structural Geology, Soumyajit Mukherjee

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