Theory of Vibration: An Introduction

A. A. Shabana ... 350 pages - Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (December 8, 1995)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0387945245 - ISBN-13: 978-0387945248

The aim of this book is to impart a sound understanding, both physical and mathematical, of the fundamental theory of vibration and its applications. The book presents in a simple and systematic manner techniques that can easily be applied to the analysis of vibration of mechanical and structural systems. Unlike other texts on vibrations, the approach is general, based on the conservation of energy and Lagrangian dynamics, and develops specific techniques from these foundations in clearly understandable stages. Suitable for a one-semester course on vibrations, the book presents new concepts in simple terms and explains procedures for solving problems in considerable detail.

Theory of Vibration: An Introduction, A. A. Shabana

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