Integrated Matrix Analysis of Structures: Theory and Computation

Mario Paz, William Leigh ... 321 pages - Publisher: Springer; (February, 2001) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0792373081 - ISBN-13: 978-0792373087.

This is the first volume of a series of integrated textbooks for the analysis and design of structures. The series is projected to include a first volume in Matrix Structural Analysis to be followed by volumes in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering as well as other volumes dealing with specialized or advanced topics in the analysis and design of structures. An important objective in the preparation of these volumes is to integrate and unify the presentation using common notation, symbols and general format. Furthermore, all of these volumes will be using the same structural computer program, SAP2000, developed and maintained by Computers and Structures, Inc. , Berkeley, California.

Mario Paz, William Leigh, Integrated Matrix Analysis of Structures: Theory and Computation

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