Analysis and Design of Bridges

Ali Abbas Yilmaz, Syed Tanvir Wasti ... 450 pages - Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media; Reprint of the original 1st (1984) edition (October, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9400961243 - ISBN-13: 978-9400961241 ...

The Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Analysis and Design of Bridges held at Cesme, lzmir, Turkey from 28 June 1982 to 9 July 1982 are contained in the present volume. The Advanced Study Institute was attended by 37 lecturers and participants from 10 different countries. The Organizing Committee consisted of Professors P. Gtilkan, A. C. Scordelis, S. T. Wasti and 9. Yl. lmaz. The guidelines set by NATO for the Advanced Study Institute require it to serve not only as an efficient forum for the dissemination of available advanced knowledge to a selected group of qualified people but also as a platform for the exploration of future research possibilities in the scientific or engineering areas concerned. The main topics covered by the present Advanced Study Institute were the mathematical modelling of bridges for better analysis and the scientific assessment of bridge behaviour for the introduction of improved design procedures. It has been our observation that as a result of the range and depth of the lectures presented and the many informal discussions that took place, ideas became fissile, the stimulus never flagged and many gaps in the engineering knowledge of the participants were "bridged". Here we particularly wish to mention that valuable informal presenta tions of research work were made during the course of the Institute by Drs. Friedrich, Karaesmen, Lamas and Parker.

Analysis and Design of Bridges, Ali Abbas Yilmaz, Syed Tanvir Wasti

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