Dynamics in the Practice of Structural Design

O. S. Saar ... 
208 pages - Publisher: WIT Press (January 30, 2006)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1845641612 - ISBN-13: 978-1845641610

Structural dynamics is a diverse theme covering a variety of topics, some of which have direct applications in structural design. Among the latter a clear distinction can be made between those necessary for the engineer in the daily practice of structural design and those related to academic activities, research, and the development of commercial products. Each chapter deals independently with a subject in structural dynamics without a necessary link to the foregoing chapters. This approach allows the reader to go directly to the topic of his interest. Written as an overview of many aspects of structural dynamics, this book is intended for engineers who normally tackle design situations involving dynamic loads with the appropriate computer software in the daily practice of design.

Dynamics in the Practice of Structural Design, O. S. Saar

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