Dan B. Marghitu, Mihai Dupac ... 610 pages - Publisher: Springer; 2012 edition (May, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1461434742 - ISBN-13: 978-1461434740 ...
Advanced Dynamics: Analytical and Numerical Calculations with MATLAB
provides a thorough, rigorous presentation of kinematics and dynamics
while using MATLAB as an integrated tool to solve problems. Topics
presented are explained thoroughly and directly,allowing fundamental
principles to emerge through applications from areas such as multibody
systems, robotics, spacecraft and design of complex mechanical devices.
This book differs from others in that it uses symbolic MATLAB for both
theory and applications. Special attention is given to solutions that
are solved analytically and numerically using MATLAB. The illustrations
and figures generated with MATLAB reinforce visual learning while an
abundance of examples offer additional support. This book also: Provides solutions analytically and numerically using MATLAB. +Illustrations and graphs generated with MATLAB reinforce visual learning for students as they study. + Covers
modern technical advancements in areas like multibody systems,
robotics, spacecraft and design of complex mechanicaldevices and
mechanisms. +Includes comprehensive MATLAB programs for the example problems. Advanced Dynamics: Analytical and Numerical Calculations with MATLAB is an ideal book for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students in mechanical engineering.