The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel: Theory, Design and Construction

R. Huang ... 360 pages - Publisher: T&F Books, UK (December, 2008) ...
Language: English - ASIN: B001OMWIQM by Amazon Digital Services ...

A comprehensive collection of papers dedicated to one of the most complex underground works recently undertaken, covering a variety of topics: Experiment and design; Construction and monitoring; Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation; Risk asssessment, and Project management. This book will be invaluable to scientists and engineers working in the analysis, design, construction and management of tunnels in soft ground.

The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel: Theory, Design and Construction, R. Huang

... Civil Engineering [Coastal, Waterway & Ocean Engineering - Construction Engineering - Dams & Hydraulic Engineering - Earthquake Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering - Structural Engineering - Transportation Engineering etc.]

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