Mechanics of Material: An Integrated Learning System

Timothy A. Philpot ... 744 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (January, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470044381 - ISBN-13: 978-0470044384 ...

With this book, readers will now be able to easily visualize and understand mechanics phenomena while also gaining extensive practice in modeling and solving mechanics problems. It offers a three-part approach to explaining core concepts: in-text discussion, worked examples, and an online tutorial and animation provided by MecMovies. These animations have been proven to increase the reader's visualization skills, confidence level in solving problems, and interest in the material.

912 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (June, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118083474 - ISBN-13: 978-1118083475 ...

Philpot's Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Learning System, 3rd Edition, helps engineering students visualize key mechanics of materials concepts better than any text available, following a sound problem solving methodology while thoroughly covering all the basics. The third edition retains seamless integration with the author’s award winning MecMovies software. More than 40% of the problems are new and/or revised. New coverage is included on sheer stress in beams as well as energy methods. Content has also been revised throughout the text to provide students with the latest information in the field.

Mechanics of Material: An Integrated Learning System, Timothy A. Philpot

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