Liquid Sloshing Dynamics: Theory and Applications

Raouf A. Ibrahim ... 
970 pages - Publisher: Cambridge University Press; (June, 2005) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0521838851 - ISBN-13: 978-0521838856 ...

The problem of liquid sloshing in moving or stationary containers remains of great concern to aerospace, civil, and nuclear engineers; physicists; designers of road tankers and ship tankers; and mathematicians. Beginning with the fundamentals of liquid sloshing theory, this book takes the reader systematically from basic theory to advanced analytical and experimental results in a self-contained and coherent format. The book is divided into four sections. Part I deals with the theory of linear liquid sloshing dynamics; Part II addresses the nonlinear theory of liquid sloshing dynamics, Faraday waves, and sloshing impacts; Part III presents the problem of linear and nonlinear interaction of liquid sloshing dynamics with elastic containers and supported structures; and Part IV considers the fluid dynamics in spinning containers and microgravity sloshing. This book will be invaluable to researchers and graduate students in mechanical and aeronautical engineering, designers of liquid containers, and applied mathematicians.

Liquid Sloshing Dynamics: Theory and Applications, Raouf A. Ibrahim

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