Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering 2nd Edition

Muneo Hori ... 440 pages - Publisher: Imperial College Press; 2nd edition (May, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1848163975 - ISBN-13: 978-1848163973 ...

Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering covers solid continuum mechanics, finite element method and stochastic modeling comprehensively, with the second and third chapters explaining the numerical simulation of strong ground motion and faulting, respectively. Stochastic modeling is used for uncertain underground structures, and advanced analytical methods for linear and non-linear stochastic models are presented. The verification of these methods by comparing the simulation results with observed data is then presented, and examples of numerical simulations which apply these methods to practical problems are generously provided. Furthermore three advanced topics of computational earthquake engineering are covered, detailing examples of applying computational science technology to earthquake engineering problems.

Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering, Muneo Hori

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