Plasticity Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis

Weimin Han, B. Daya Reddy ... 
384 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (April 23, 1999)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0387987045 - ISBN-13: 978-038798704

Focussing on theoretical aspects of the small-strain theory of hardening elastoplasticity, this monograph provides a comprehensive and unified treatment of the mathematical theory and numerical analysis, exploiting in particular the great advantages gained by placing the theory in a convex analytic context. Divided into three parts, the first part of the text provides a detailed introduction to plasticity, in which the mechanics of elastoplastic behaviour is emphasised, while the second part is taken up with mathematical analysis of the elastoplasticity problem. The third part is devoted to error analysis of various semi-discrete and fully discrete approximations for variational formulations of the elastoplasticity.

Plasticity Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis, Weimin Han, B. Daya Reddy

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