Computational Continuum Mechanics 2nd Edition

Ahmed A. Shabana ... 340 pages - Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition (December, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1107016029 - ISBN-13: 978-1107016026 ...

This updated text presents the theory of continuum mechanics using computational methods. The text covers a broad range of topics including general problems of large rotation and large deformations and the development and limitations of finite element formulations in solving such problems. Dr. Shabana introduces theories on motion kinematics, strain, forces, and stresses, and goes on to discuss linear and nonlinear constitutive equations, including viscoelastic and plastic constitutive models. General nonlinear continuum mechanics theory is used to develop small and large finite element formulations which correctly describe rigid body motion for use in engineering applications. This second edition features a new chapter that focuses on computational geometry and finite element analysis. This book is ideal for graduate and undergraduate students, professionals, and researchers who are interested in continuum mechanics.

Computational Continuum Mechanics 2nd Edition, Ahmed A. Shabana

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