Franz-Josef Ulm, Hamlin M. Jennings, Roland Pellenq ...
630 pages
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (September 30, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0784413118
ISBN-13: 978-0784413111
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage,
and Durability Mechanics (CONCREEP-9), held in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
September 2225, 2013. Sponsored by IA-CONCREEP; the Engineering
Mechanics Institute of ASCE; American Concrete Institute; the Concrete
Sustainability Hub at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Groupement
de Recherche International Multi-scale Materials Under the Nanoscope of
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability
Mechanics (CONCREEP-9), held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, September
2225, 2013. Sponsored by IA-CONCREEP; the Engineering Mechanics
Institute of ASCE; American Concrete Institute; the Concrete
Sustainability Hub at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Groupement
de Recherche International Multi-scale Materials Under the Nanoscope of
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). This collection
contains 59 invited and peer-reviewed papers on the deformation under
load of concrete and concrete structures. These papers dissect the
physical origin of creep and shrinkage of concrete and propel this
knowledge from the scale of a few atoms to full-scale engineering
applications. This collection honors Zdenk P. Baant of Northwestern
University for his lifetime work at the crossroads of fundamental
physics and engineering, particularly his contributions to a modern
theory of creep and shrinkage mechanisms and its application in
constitutive modeling and engineering design codes. Topics include:
molecular and meso-scale simulations and characterization;
micromechanics of creep and shrinkage; multiscale creep, shrinkage,
fracture and durability properties; and relation of material creep and
shrinkage to structural design. Researchers from physics and engineering
disciplines working on the next generation of science-enabled
engineering solutions, along with scientists doing related work with
soft matter, glass, and computational materials, will find that these
papers present the state-of-the-art in concrete creep, shrinkage, and
durability mechanics.