Engineering Geology 2nd Edition

F. G. Bell ... 592 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition (February, 2007) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0750680776 - ISBN-13: 978-0750680776 ...

Every engineering structure, whether it's a building, bridge or road, is affected by the ground on which it is built. Geology is of fundamental importance when deciding on the location and design of all engineering works, and it is essential that engineers have a basic knowledge of the subject. Engineering Geology introduces the fundamentals of the discipline and ensures that engineers have a clear understanding of the processes at work, and how they will impact on what is to be built. Core areas such as stratigraphy, rock types, structures and geological processes are explained, and put in context. The basics of soil mechanics and the links between groundwater conditions and underlying geology are introduced.

As well as the theoretical knowledge necessary, Professor Bell introduces the techniques that engineers will need to learn about and understand the geological conditions in which they intend to build. Site investigation techniques are detailed, and the risks and risk avoidance methods for dealing with different conditions are explained. * Accessible introduction to geology for engineers. * Key points illustrated with diagrams and photographs. * Teaches the impact of geology on the planning and design of structures.

Engineering Geology, F. G. Bell

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