Durability of Post-Tensioning Tendons

Jean-Philippe Fuzier, Hans-Rudolf Ganz, Peter Matt ...
79 pages
Publisher:FIB - The International Federation for Structural Concrete; 2006
Language: English
ISBN-10: 2883940738
ISBN-13: 978-2883940734

The durability of post-tensioning tendons depends undoubtedly on the durability of the materials used, but there are design concept specifics which are also of major importance: the post-tensioning layout and layers of protection such as concrete cover and selected materials in view of the aggressivity of the environment for instance.

It is well known that sustainability principles guide the Engineer from the very beginning, at the project conception, during construction and the service life of a structure. Decisions made during conceptual and design stage have the largest influence on the durability and sustainability of post-tensioning tendons. fib Bulletin 33 addresses the specifics for prestressed concrete structures: the durability of post-tensioning tendons. It should be noted that it does not repeat topics that have been addressed in other fib bulletins and which is common for both reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures.

Pre-tensioning, which is used extensively in the precast industry, is not considered here, although conclusions and recommendations herein may, in many cases, also be applicable.

This recommendation was prepared by Working Party 5.4.2, Durability specifics for prestressed concrete structures, in cooperation with fib Commission 9, Reinforcing and prestressing materials and systems. A preliminary version of this recommendation served as the basic document for the second workshop on "Durability of post-tensioning tendons", held on 11-12 October 2004 in Zurich. This workshop was a follow-up to the first workshop held in Ghent in 2001. Bulletin 33 includes revisions corresponding to the agreed results of the Zurich workshop.

Durability of Post-Tensioning Tendons, Jean-Philippe Fuzier, Hans-Rudolf Ganz, Peter Matt

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