Structural Analysis: In Theory and Practice

Alan Williams... 632 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (December, 2008) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1856175502 - ISBN-13: 978-1856175500 ...

This book provides a comprehensive review of the classical methods of structural analysis and also the recent advances in computer applications. The prefect guide for the professional engineer's exam, the book covers principles of structural analysis to advanced concepts. Methods of analysis are presented in a concise and direct manner and the different methods of approach to a problem are illustrated by specific examples. In addition, the book includes the clear and concise approach to the subject and the focus on the most direct solution to a problem. Numerous worked examples are provided to consolidate the readers’ understanding of the topics. This book is perfect for anyone who wishes to have handy reference filled with equations, calculations and modeling instructions as well as candidates studying for professional engineering registration examinations. It will also serve as a refresher course and reference manual for practicing engineers.

Structural Analysis: In Theory and Practice, Alan Williams

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