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Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Excel

Steven T. Karris ... 
627 pages - Publisher: Orchard Publications; 3rd edition (February, 2007) ... 
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1934404039 - ISBN-13: 978-1934404034 ...

This text includes the following chapters and appendices: Introduction to MATLAB, Root approximations, Sinusoids and complex numbers, Matrices and determinants, Review of differential equations, Fourier, Taylor, and Maclaurin series, Finite differences and interpolation, Linear and parabolic regression, Solution of differential equations by numerical methods, Integration by numerical methods, Difference equations, Partial fraction expansion, The Gamma and Beta Functions and distributions, Orthogonal functions and matrix factorizations, Bessel, Legendre, and Chebyshev polynomials, Optimization methods, Difference Equations in Discrete-Time systems, Introduction to Simulink, Ill-Conditioned Matrices. Each chapter contains numerous practical applications supplemented with detailed instructions for using MATLAB and/or Excel to obtain quick solutions. For additional information. please visit the Orchard Publications site.

Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Excel, Steven T. Karris

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