Holly Moore ... 656 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3rd edition (September, 2011) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0132103257 - ISBN-13: 978-0132103251 ...
MATLAB for Engineers
is intended for use in the first-year or introductory course in
Engineering and Computer Science departments. It is also suitable for
readers interested in learning MATLAB. With
a hands-on approach and focus on problem solving, this introduction to
the powerful MATLAB computing language is designed for students with
only a basic college algebra background. Numerous examples are drawn
from a range of engineering disciplines, demonstrating MATLAB’s
applications to a broad variety of problems.
Teaching and Learning Experience: This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Customize your Course with ESource: Instructors can adopt this title as is, or use the ESource website to select the chapters they need, in the sequence they want. Introduce MATLAB Clearly: Three
well-organized sections gets students started with MATLAB, introduce
students to programming, and demonstrate more advanced programming
techniques. Reinforce Core Concepts with Hands-on Activities: Examples and exercises demonstrate how MATLABcan be used to solve a variety of engineering problems.