Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 3rd Edition

Roger Rixom, Noel Mailvaganam ... 593 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (1999) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470263989 - ISBN-13: 978-0470263983 ...

Chemical admixtures are used in concrete mixtures to produce particular engineering properties such as rapid hardening, water-proofing or resistance to cold. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete surveys recent developments in admixture technology, explaining the mechanisms by which admixtures produce their effects, the various types of admixtures available, their selection and use. Because of the economies they can offer, admixtures are being used increasingly in civil engineering projects worldwide. The book pays particular attention to good practice and includes a detailed chapter on the international standards currently in force.

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 3rd Edition, Roger Rixom, Noel Mailvaganam

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