Thermal Stresses and Temp. Control of Mass Concrete

Zhu Bofang ... 518 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (November, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0124077234 - ISBN-13: 978-0124077232 ...

 Methods of controlling mass concrete temperatures range from relatively simple to complex and from inexpensive too costly. Depending on a particular situation, it may be advantageous to use one or more methods over others. Based on the author’s 50 years of personal experience in designing mass concrete structures, Thermal Stresses and Temperature Control of Mass Concrete provides a clear and rigorous guide to selecting the right techniques to meet project-specific and financial needs. New techniques such as long time superficial thermal insulation, comprehensive temperature control, and MgO self-expansive concrete are introduced. Methods for calculating the temperature field and thermal stresses in dams, docks, tunnels, and concrete blocks and beams on elastic foundations * Thermal stress computations that take into account the influences of all factors and simulate the process of construction * Analytical methods for determining thermal and mechanical properties of concrete * Formulas for determining water temperature in reservoirs and temperature loading of arched dams  * New numerical monitoring methods for mass and semi-mature aged concrete.

Thermal Stresses and Temperature Control of Mass Concrete, Zhu Bofang

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