Steel Design

William T. Segui ... 768 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 5th edition (2012) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1111576009 - ISBN-13: 978-1111576004 ...

Steel Design covers the fundamentals of structural steel design with an emphasis on the design of members and their connections, rather than the integrated design of buildings. The book is designed so that instructors can easily teach LRFD, ASD, or both, time-permitting. The application of fundamental principles is encouraged for design procedures as well as for practical design, but a theoretical approach is also provided to enhance student development. While the book is intended for junior-and senior-level engineering students, some of the later chapters can be used in graduate courses and practicing engineers will find this text to be an essential reference tool for reviewing current practices.

Steel Design, William T. Segui

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