Seismic Design of Building Structures 8th Edition

Michael R. Lindeburg, Majid Baradar ... 250 pages - Publisher: Professional Publications; 8th edition (January, 2001) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1888577525 - ISBN-13: 978-1888577525.

Seismic Design of Building Structures provides essential background instruction for the seismic problems on the civil PE exam. Using relevant codes, this book presents topics from basic seismic concepts through detailing requirements. The 30 sample problems and 113 practice problems, all with step-by-step solutions, offer valuable preparation for the exam. The eighth edition references the 1997 Uniform Building Code, the version of the code currently tested on the exam. Exam subjects covered include: Analysis of diaphragms * Detailing of roof-wall connections * Calculating chord and strut forces * UBC nailing requirements.

Seismic Design of Building Structures: A Professionals Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details 8th Edition, Michael R. Lindeburg, Majid Baradar

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