Modern Structural Analysis Modelling Process and Guidance

Iain A MacLeod ... 206 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford; (January, 2005) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 072773279X - ISBN-13: 978-0727732798 ...

This book is essential reading for 21st century practitioners and students who need to do structural analysis. It contains a great deal of information that is not available in any other book on the subject. This is because the conventional view of structural analysis is rooted in the early part of the 20th century in the pre-computer era rather than present time. A main feature of this text is the information on modelling process, which is omitted in traditional books. Another important feature is the inclusion of what the author calls validation information, which is used to assess whether a model is capable of satisfying the objectives of the analysis.

Modern Structural Analysis Modelling Process and Guidance, Iain A MacLeod

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