Finite Element Method

Gouri Dhatt, Emmanuel Lefrançois, Gilbert Touzot ...
624 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; 1st edition (November 28, 2012)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1608074951 - ISBN-13: 978-1608074952 

This book offers an in-depth presentation of the finite element method, aimed at engineers, students and researchers in applied sciences.
The description of the method is presented in such a way as to be usable in any domain of application. The level of mathematical expertise required is limited to differential and matrix calculus.

The various stages necessary for the implementation of the method are clearly identified, with a chapter given over to each one: approximation, construction of the integral forms, matrix organization, solution of the algebraic systems and architecture of programs. The final chapter lays the foundations for a general program, written in Matlab, which can be used to solve problems that are linear or otherwise, stationary or transient, presented in relation to applications stemming from the domains of structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

Finite Element Method, Gouri Dhatt, Emmanuel Lefrançois, Gilbert Touzot

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