
SeismoSoft Suite 2025 [Size: 1.92 GB] ... 
is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. It is the only civil engineering software worldwide that is totally committed to structural assessment and retrofitting. SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Element package capable of predicting the large displacement behaviour of space frames under static or dynamic loading, taking into account both geometric nonlinearities and material inelasticity.

SeismoSelect is an easy and efficient way to search, select, scale and download ground motion data from different strong motion databases that are available on-line. Different criteria may be employed as the parameters of interest, with which to carry out the searches. These include a target response spectrum, different ground motion parameters (e.g. PGA, PGV, Arias or Housner Intensity), information regarding the event (e.g. magnitude, faulting style location, date) or the recording site (e.g. Vs30, epicentral distance). SeismoSignal constitutes an easy and efficient way for signal processing of strong-motion data, featuring a user-friendly visual interface and being capable of deriving a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers. 

SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake accelerograms to match a specific target response spectrum, using the wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson and Hancock or the algorithm proposed by Al Atik and Abrahamson. After loading some accelerograms and defining the target response spectrum, users need only to define the spectral matching algorithm, adjust the spectral matching period range, set the required tolerance and the spectral matching is executed. SeismoArtif is an application capable of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms matched to a specific target response spectrum using different calculation methods and varied assumptions. It is noted that the use of real accelerograms and spectrum matching techniques, together with records selection tools, tends to be recommended for the derivation of suites of records for use in nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures. However, in those cases where access to real accelerograms is, for whatever reason, challenging or inappropriate, then a tool such as SeismoArtif will be of pertinence and usefulness. 

SeismoSpect constitutes a simple and efficient platform for signal processing that allows to create a personal library of ground motion records and save them all in a single file making it easy to handle and share large numbers of records. FRP Designer provides an efficient solution for designing FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete columns and beams by computing the strength of reinforced concrete members strengthened with FRP laminates.

Language: English - Number of Lessons: 9 - Duration: 2 hours and 27 minutes - Size: 1.36 GB] ...
Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D is an earthquake analysis and design training course published by Udemy Online Academy. Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D is an intensive course for civil and geotechnical engineers looking to enhance their skills in seismic analysis and design. This course focuses on the application of PLAXIS 3D software for modeling and analyzing the effects of earthquakes on soil-structure interactions. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of dynamic analysis methods, including time history analysis and response spectrum analysis, as well as principles of soil liquefaction and ground motion propagation.

The key points of this training course include understanding the principles of earthquake engineering, mastering PLAXIS 3D for dynamic analysis, modeling soil and structure interactions under seismic loading, implementing response spectrum and time history analysis, assessing soil liquefaction potential, motion propagation analysis. Land and use the results for optimization. The curriculum includes detailed instructions on setting up complex models that simulate real-world earthquake scenarios, evaluate the behavior of various structures under seismic loads, and interpret the results to inform engineering decisions. By the end of the course, individuals will be proficient in performing advanced earthquake analysis and ensuring that structures are designed to effectively withstand seismic events.

What you will learn in Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D: Creating a 3D numerical model including pile, pile cap, bridge support and approach + Calibration of different earthquake time histories to determine the most suitable signal + Using the design time history in the created 3D model to determine the forces in the foundation piles at different time stages + Implementation of Python scripting to extract forces in piles through automation + and…

[Language: English - Number of Lessons: 12 - Duration: 2 hours and 16 minutes - Size: 1.366 GB] ...
Geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D is a training course on the analysis and design of retaining walls using PLAXIS 2D software, which was published by the online academy of Udemy. Geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D is a specialized course aimed at civil and geotechnical engineers who want to deepen their understanding of the analysis and design of retaining walls using PLAXIS 2D software. This course provides an overview of retaining wall behavior, including principles of earth pressure theory and stability considerations. Students will learn to model different types of retaining walls, analyze different loading conditions, and evaluate the effects of soil properties on wall performance. The curriculum includes step-by-step guidance in using PLAXIS 2D for effective geotechnical analyses, including real-world case studies and hands-on exercises.

The key points of this training course include understanding the mechanics of retaining walls and earth pressures, mastering the PLAXIS 2D software interface for geotechnical analysis, modeling the types and configurations of retaining walls, analyzing stability under different loading scenarios, evaluating the effects of soil and structure interaction, Perform limit equilibrium analyses, and interpret results for engineering design and decision making. At the end of the course, individuals will be equipped with the skills to perform full geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls and ensure safe and efficient design practices.

What you will learn in Geotechnical analyses of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D: Real examples of retaining wall analysis + Making 2D Plaxis models + Calculation of material properties of steel sheet piles, walls and concrete slabs, ground anchors and foundations + Analysis of Plaxis results + Optimization of the parameters of retaining walls and ground anchors based on the results of Plaxis analysis and…

Bentley Seequent GeoStudio v2024.2.1.28 [Size: 935 MB] ... GeoStudio's integrated products enable you to work across various engineering use cases. The integrated GeoStudio software suite enables you to combine multiple analyses using different products into a single modeling project. Use GeoStudio products together for an integrated modeling experience. Use this approach to model construction sequences, establish initial conditions, perform sensitivity analyses, model complex time sequences, or decompose a complex problem into several smaller, more manageable analyses. GeoStudio is an integrated software suite for modeling slope stability, ground deformation, and heat and mass transfer in soil and rock.

Overview of GEOSLOPE GeoStudio Features: GeoStudio provides many tools for defining the model domain, including coordinate import, geometric item copy-paste, length, angle feedback, region merge and split, and DWG / DXF file import. + GeoStudio runs each analysis solver in parallel, solving multiple analyses efficiently on computers with modern, multi-core processors. + GeoStudio provides powerful visualization tools, including graphing, contour plots, isolines, animations, interactive data queries, and data exports to spreadsheets for further analysis. + GeoStudio enables you to combine analyses using different products into a single modeling project, using the results from one as the starting point for another. GeoStudio Ultimate expands the capability of GeoStudio Advanced with functionality to analyse static and dynamic stress and deformation within soil or rock including coupled consolidation, finite element stress stability, and the ability to use finite element results in the limit equilibrium analysis.

QUAKE/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling earthquake liquefaction and dynamic loading. QUAKE/W determines the motion and excess pore water pressures that arise due to earthquake shaking, blasts, or sudden impact loads. SEEP/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP/W can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated/unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface. SIGMA/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling stress and deformation in soil, rock, and structures. SIGMA/W analyses may range from simple linear elastic simulations to soil-structure interaction problems with nonlinear material models. SLOPE/W is the leading limit equilibrium slope stability software for soil and rock slopes, analysing both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions.

Kamal I. M. Al-Malah ... 592 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎Wiley; (October, 2023) - ISBN-10: ‎1394209088 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-1394209088.

Machine and Deep Learning Using MATLAB introduces early career professionals to the power of MATLAB to explore machine and deep learning applications by explaining the relevant MATLAB tool or app and how it is used for a given method or a collection of methods. Its properties, in terms of input and output arguments, are explained, the limitations or applicability is indicated via an accompanied text or a table, and a complete running example is shown with all needed MATLAB command prompt code. The text also presents the results, in the form of figures or tables, in parallel with the given MATLAB code, and the MATLAB written code can be later used as a template for trying to solve new cases or datasets. Throughout, the text features worked examples in each chapter for self-study with an accompanying website providing solutions and coding samples. Highlighted notes draw the attention of the user to critical points or issues.

Readers will also find information on: Numeric data acquisition and analysis in the form of applying computational algorithms to predict the numeric data patterns (clustering or unsupervised learning) + Relationships between predictors and response variable (supervised), categorically sub-divided into classification (discrete response) and regression (continuous response) + Image acquisition and analysis in the form of applying one of neural networks, and estimating net accuracy, net loss, and/or RMSE for the successive training, validation, and testing steps + Retraining and creation for image labeling, object identification, regression classification, and text recognition. Machine and Deep Learning Using MATLAB is a useful and highly comprehensive resource on the subject for professionals, advanced students, and researchers who have some familiarity with MATLAB and are situated in engineering and scientific fields, who wish to gain mastery over the software and its numerous applications.

Pijush Samui, Sunita Kumari, Vladimir Makarov, Pradeep Kurup ... 846 pages - Publisher: ‎Academic Press; (December, 2020) - Language: ‎English.

Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering is a one stop reference for a range of computational models, the theory explaining how they work, and case studies describing how to apply them. Drawing on the expertise of contributors from a range of disciplines including geomechanics, optimization, and computational engineering, this book provides an interdisciplinary guide to this subject which is suitable for readers from a range of backgrounds.

Before tackling the computational approaches, a theoretical understanding of the physical systems is provided that helps readers to fully grasp the significance of the numerical methods. The various models are presented in detail, and advice is provided on how to select the correct model for your application.

Provides detailed descriptions of different computational modelling methods for geotechnical applications, including the finite element method, the finite difference method, and the boundary element method + Gives readers the latest advice on the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in geotechnical engineering + Includes case studies to help readers apply the methods described in their own work.

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