
Darren George, Paul Mallery ... 402 pages - Publisher: Routledge; 16th edition (December, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0367174359 - ISBN-13: 978-0367174354.

IBM SPSS Statistics 26 Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, sixteenth edition, takes a straightforward, step-by-step approach that makes SPSS software clear to beginners and experienced researchers alike. Extensive use of four-color screen shots, clear writing, and step-by-step boxes guide readers through the program. Output for each procedure is explained and illustrated, and every output term is defined. Exercises at the end of each chapter support students by providing additional opportunities to practice using SPSS. This book covers the basics of statistical analysis and addresses more advanced topics such as multi-dimensional scaling, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, measures of internal consistency, MANOVA (between- and within-subjects), cluster analysis, Log-linear models, logistic regression and a chapter describing residuals. Back matter includes a description of data files used in exercises, an exhaustive glossary, suggestions for further reading and a comprehensive index.

IMB SPSS Statistics 26 Step by Step is distributed in 85 countries, has been an academic best seller through most of the earlier editions, and has proved invaluable aid to thousands of researchers and students. New to this edition: Screenshots, explanations, and step-by-step boxes have been fully updated to reflect SPSS 26 + How to handle missing data has been revised and expanded and now includes a detailed explanation of how to create regression equations to replace missing data + More explicit coverage of how to report APA style statistics; this primarily shows up in the Output sections of Chapters 6 through 16, though changes have been made throughout the text.

Eihab B. M. Bashier ... 348 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (March, 2020) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0367076691 - ISBN-13: 978-0367076696.

Practical Numerical and Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Python concentrates on the practical aspects of numerical analysis and linear and non-linear programming. It discusses the methods for solving different types of mathematical problems using MATLAB and Python. Although the book focuses on the approximation problem rather than on error analysis of mathematical problems, it provides practical ways to calculate errors. The book is divided into three parts, covering topics in numerical linear algebra, methods of interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, solutions of differential equations, linear and non-linear programming problems, and optimal control problems. This book has the following advantages: It adopts the programming languages, MATLAB and Python, which are widely used among academics, scientists, and engineers, for ease of use and contain many libraries covering many scientific and engineering fields. + It contains topics that are rarely found in other numerical analysis books, such as ill-conditioned linear systems and methods of regularization to stabilize their solutions, nonstandard finite differences methods for solutions of ordinary differential equations, and the computations of the optimal controls. It provides a practical explanation of how to apply these topics using MATLAB and Python. + It discusses software libraries to solve mathematical problems, such as software Gekko, pulp, and pyomo. These libraries use Python for solutions to differential equations and static and dynamic optimization problems. + Most programs in the book can be applied in versions prior to MATLAB 2017b and Python 3.7.4 without the need to modify these programs. This book is aimed at newcomers and middle-level students, as well as members of the scientific community who are interested in solving math problems using MATLAB or Python.

Javier E. Hasbun, Trinanjan Datta ... 570 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07YM3PN27.

Solid state physics, the study and prediction of the fundamental physical properties of materials, forms the backbone of modern materials science and has many technological applications. The unique feature of this text is the MATLABbased computational approach with several numerical techniques and simulation methods included. This is highly effective in addressing the need for visualization and a direct hands-on approach in learning the theoretical concepts of solid state physics. The code is freely available to all textbook users.

Additional Features: Uses the pedagogical tools of computational physics that have become important in enhancing physics teaching of advanced subjects such as solid state physics + Adds visualization and simulation to the subject in a way that enables students to participate actively in a hand-on approach + Covers the basic concepts of solid state physics and provides students with a deeper understanding of the subject matter + Provides unique example exercises throughout the text + Obtains mathematical analytical solutions + Carries out illustrations of important formulae results using programming scripts that students can run on their own and reproduce graphs and/or simulations + Helps students visualize solid state processes and apply certain numerical techniques using MATLAB®, making the process of learning solid state physics much more effective + Reinforces the examples discussed within the chapters through the use of end-of-chapter exercises + Includes simple analytical and numerical examples to more challenging ones, as well as computational problems with the opportunity to run codes, create new ones, or modify existing ones to solve problems or reproduce certain results

Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim, Nagesh R. Iyer, Sandeep Chaudhary ... 1104 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (July, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08CZDJDS6.

New Materials in Civil Engineering provides engineers and scientists with the tools and methods needed to meet the challenge of designing and constructing more resilient and sustainable infrastructures. This book is a valuable guide to the properties, selection criteria, products, applications, lifecycle and recyclability of advanced materials. It presents an A-to-Z approach to all types of materials, highlighting their key performance properties, principal characteristics and applications. Traditional materials covered include concrete, soil, steel, timber, fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber and reinforced polymers. In addition, the book covers nanotechnology and biotechnology in the development of new materials.

Covers a variety of materials, including fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber reinforced polymer and waste materials + Provides a “one-stop” resource of information for the latest materials and practical applications + Includes a variety of different use case studies.

John T. Katsikadelis ... 1812 pages - Publisher: Academic Press; (June, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08C1YKKCJ.

Dynamic Analysis of Structures reflects the latest application of structural dynamics theory to produce more optimal and economical structural designs. Written by an author with over 37 years of researching, teaching and writing experience, this reference introduces complex structural dynamics concepts in a user-friendly manner. The author includes carefully worked-out examples which are solved utilizing more recent numerical methods. These examples pave the way to more accurately simulate the behavior of various types of structures. The essential topics covered include principles of structural dynamics applied to particles, rigid and deformable bodies, thus enabling the formulation of equations for the motion of any structure.

Covers the tools and techniques needed to build realistic modeling of actual structures under dynamic loads + Provides the methods to formulate the equations of motion of any structure, no matter how complex it is, once the dynamic model has been adopted + Provides carefully worked-out examples that are solved using recent numerical methods + Includes simple computer algorithms for the numerical solution of the equations of motion and respective code in FORTRAN and MATLAB.

Erik Lee Nylen, Pascal Wallisch ... 368 pages - Publisher: Academic Press; (April, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128040432 - ISBN-13: 978-0128040430.

A Primer with MATLAB® and Python™ present important information on the emergence of the use of Python, a more general purpose option to MATLAB, the preferred computation language for scientific computing and analysis in neuroscience. This book addresses the snake in the room by providing a beginner’s introduction to the principles of computation and data analysis in neuroscience, using both Python and MATLAB, giving readers the ability to transcend platform tribalism and enable coding versatility.

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