
Roger Baker, Kenneth Kuttler ... 332 pages - Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company; (May, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9814590533 - ISBN-13: 978-9814590532 ...

This book gives a self- contained treatment of linear algebra with many of its most important applications. It is very unusual if not unique in being an elementary book which does not neglect arbitrary fields of scalars and the proofs of the theorems. It will be useful for beginning students and also as a reference for graduate students and others who need an easy to read explanation of the important theorems of this subject. It presents a self- contained treatment of the algebraic treatment of linear differential equation which includes all proofs. It also contains many different proofs of the Cayley Hamilton theorem. Other applications include difference equations and Markov processes, the latter topic receiving a more thorough treatment than usual, including the theory of absorbing states. In addition it contains a complete introduction to the singular value decomposition and related topics like least squares and the pseudo-inverse. Most major topics receive more than one discussion, one in the text and others being outlined in the exercises. The book also gives directions for using maple in performing many of the difficult algorithms.

Gareth Williams ... 560 pages - Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 8th edition (September, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1449679544 - ISBN-13: 978-1449679545 ...

Updated and revised to increase clarity and further improve student learning, the Eighth Edition of Gareth Williams' classic text is designed for the introductory course in linear algebra. It provides a flexible blend of theory and engaging applications for students within engineering, science, mathematics, business management, and physics. It is organized into three parts that contain core and optional sections. There is then ample time for the instructor to select the material that gives the course the desired flavor. Part 1 introduces the basics, presenting systems of linear equations, vectors and subspaces of Rn, matrices, linear transformations, determinants, and eigenvectors. Part 2 builds on the material presented in Part1 and goes on to introduce the concepts of general vector spaces, discussing properties of bases, developing the rank/nullity theorem, and introducing spaces of matrices and functions. Part 3 completes the course with important ideas and methods of numerical linear algebra, such as ill-conditioning, pivoting, and LU decomposition. Throughout the text the author takes care to fully and clearly develop the mathematical concepts and provide modern applications to reinforce those concepts. The applications range from theoretical applications within differential equations and least square analysis, to practical applications in fields such as archeology, demography, electrical engineering and more. New exercises can be found throughout that tie back to the modern examples in the text. Key Features of the Eighth Edition: • Updated and revised throughout with new section material and exercises. • Each section begins with a motivating introduction, which ties material to the previously learned topics. • Carefully explained examples illustrate key concepts throughout the text. • Includes such new topics such as QR Factorization and Singular Value Decomposition. • Includes new applications such as a Leslie Matrix model that is used to predict birth and death patterns of animals. • Includes discussions of the role of linear algebra in many areas, such as the operation of the search engine Google and the global structure of the worldwide air transportation network. • A MATLAB manual that ties into the regular course material is included as an appendix. These ideas can be implemented on any matrix algebra software package. This manual consists of 28 sections that tie into the regular course material. • Graphing Calculator Manual included as an appendix. • A Student Solutions Manual that contains solutions to selected exercises is available as a supplement. An Instructors Complete Solutions Manual, test bank, and PowerPoint Lecture Outlines are also available. • Available with WebAssign Online Homework & Assessment

Zihai Shi ... 344 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (August 7, 2013) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0080974643 - ISBN-13: 978-0080974644 ...

This new book on the fracture mechanics of concrete focuses on the latest developments in computational theories, and how to apply those theories to solve real engineering problems. Zihai Shi uses his extensive research experience to present detailed examination of multiple-crack analysis and mixed-mode fracture. Compared with other mature engineering disciplines, fracture mechanics of concrete is still a developing field with extensive new research and development. In recent years many different models and applications have been proposed for crack analysis; the author assesses these in turn, identifying their limitations and offering a detailed treatment of those which have been proved to be robust by comprehensive use. After introducing stress singularity in numerical modelling and some basic modelling techniques, the Extended Fictitious Crack Model (EFCM) for multiple-crack analysis is explained with numerical application examples. This theoretical model is then applied to study two important issues in fracture mechanics - crack interaction and localization, and fracture modes and maximum loads. The EFCM is then reformulated to include the shear transfer mechanism on crack surfaces and the method is used to study experimental problems. With a carefully balanced mixture of theory, experiment and application, Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete is an important contribution to this fast-developing field of structural analysis in concrete.

Lise Fontaine ... 291 pages - Publisher: Cambridge University Press; (November 30, 2012) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0521151937 - ISBN-13: 978-0521151931 ...

A practical step-by-step introduction to the analysis of English grammar, this book leaves the reader confident to tackle the challenges analysing grammar may pose. The first textbook to take an integrated approach to function and structure in grammatical analysis, it allows students to build experience, skills and confidence in working with grammar. The innovative, hybrid approach combines an introduction to systemic functional theory with a solid grounding in grammatical structure. The book approaches grammar in an incremental way, enabling students to develop grammatical skill in stages. It is of particular value to those starting to work with functional grammar but it is also relevant for experienced readers who are interested in developing a more systematic approach to grammatical analysis.

Roger Berry ... 202 pages - Publisher: Routledge (June 19, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415713765 - ISBN-13: 978-0415713764 ...

From Words to Grammar is a different introduction to grammar for students. Taking a word-based approach to grammar, this innovative book introduces the subject through the analysis of over a hundred of the most commonly used English words.

Each unit focuses on a different word class, using an analysis of specific words which includes: an introduction to the grammar of each word; examples of real world usage featuring that word; exercises with answers.

This unique approach not only introduces students to grammar but also provides them with an understanding of how grammar works in everyday English. Written by an experienced teacher and author, From Words to Grammar is ideal for all students of English Language.

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