Articles by "Softwares"

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Golden Software Grapher v17.3.454 [Size: 120.0 MB] ... Grapher is the ultimate technical graphing package available. This easy-to-use, powerful, dynamic program will help you create superior publication-quality professional graphs in minutes! Wow your audience every time they see your graphs. Create one of more than 60 unique graph types. Create 2D or 3D line, scatter, function, class scatter, bubble, step, vector, bar charts, and floating bar chart graphs. Create line, scatter, class scatter, vector, bar, rose, wind, and radar polar plots. Create line, scatter, class scatter, or bubble ternary diagrams. Display high-low-close, candlestick, or stiff diagram specialty plots. Create statistical graphs including box-whisker plots, 2D and 3D histograms, 2D and 3D pie charts, 2D and 3D doughnut plots, Q-Q plots, and normal Q-Q plots. Alter any portion of the graph, axes, or plot for complete control of your display.

Statgraphics Centurion 19.1.1 for x64 [Size: 188 MB] ... Statgraphics Centurion 18 is a comprehensive Windows desktop product for statistical analysis, data visualization and predictive analytics. It contains over 260 procedures covering a wide range of data analysis techniques. Statgraphics 18 features an easy-to-use GUI that does not require learning a complicated command language. Especially helpful to practitioners is the StatAdvisor, which explains the results of statistical analyses in a manner suitable for presentation to non-statisticians. Statgraphics 18 is a major upgrade that contains many new features, including: A new file format for handling big data. The 64-bit version can now analyze datasets containing in excess of 100 million rows. * 9 new interactive Statlets for dynamic data visualization, including sunflower plots, population pyramids, wind roses, and violin plots. * Improved demographic maps, with support for SHP files. * Dialog-box driven procedures for accessing R libraries to use classification and regression trees (CART), text mining, multidimensional scaling, analysis of arbitrarily censored data, and seasonal adjustment with X-13ARIMA-SEATS. * Over a dozen other new statistical procedures, including equivalence analysis and noninferiority testing, orthogonal regression, capability control charts, multivariate tolerance intervals, tests for multivariate normality, and random number generation for multivariate normal distributions. * New definitive screening designs in the DOE Wizard.* A new network installation program which allows users to check out seats for use on individual computers. * Extensive enhancements to the process capability analysis procedures to implement the methods described in the new book by Dr. Neil W. Polhemus, Process Capability Analysis: Estimating Quality to be published by Chapman and Hall/CRC Press in December, 2017.

Rocscience Phase2 v8.024 x64 [Size: 209 MB] ... RS2 (Phase2 8.0) is a powerful 2D finite element program for soil and rock applications (RS2 = Rock and Soil 2-dimensional analysis program). RS2 can be used for a wide range of engineering projects and includes excavation design, slope stability, groundwater seepage, probabilistic analysis, consolidation, and dynamic analysis capabilities.

Complex, multi-stage models can be easily created and quickly analyzed - tunnels in weak or jointed rock, underground powerhouse caverns, open pit mines and slopes, embankments, MSE stabilized earth structures, and much more. Progressive failure, support interaction and a variety of other problems can be addressed. RS2 offers a wide range of support modeling options. Liner elements can be applied in the modeling of shotcrete, concrete, steel set systems, retaining walls, piles, multi-layer composite liners, geotextiles, and more. Liner design tools include support capacity plots, which allow you to determine the safety factor of reinforced liners. Bolt types include end anchored, fully bonded, cable bolts, split sets, and grouted tiebacks. One of the major features of RS2 is finite element slope stability analysis using the shear strength reduction method. This option is fully automated and can be used with either Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown strength parameters. Slope models can be imported or exported between Slide and RS2 allowing easy comparison of limit equilibrium and finite element results. RS2 includes steady-state, finite element groundwater seepage analysis built right into the program. There is no need to use a separate groundwater program. Pore pressure is determined as well as flow and gradient, based on user defined hydraulic boundary conditions and material conductivity. Pore pressure results are automatically incorporated into the stress analysis. Material models for rock and soil include Mohr-Coulomb, Generalized Hoek-Brown and Cam-Clay. Powerful new analysis features for modeling jointed rock allow you to automatically generate discrete joint or fracture networks according to a variety of statistical models. With new 64-bit and multi-core parallel processing options RS2 can solve larger and more complex models in shorter times.

Lindo What'sBest! v17.0.0.0 x64 [Size: 57.7 MB] ... What'sBest! is an add-in to Excel that allows you to build large scale optimization models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet. What'sBest! combines the proven power of Linear, Nonlinear (convex and nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone, Semi-Definite, Stochastic, and Integer optimization with Microsoft Excel - the most popular and flexible business modeling environment in use today. The recently released What'sBest! 15.0 includes a number of significant enhancements and new features. Enhancements to the Simplex solvers boost performance on linear models. Large models solve an average of 20% faster using primal simplex and 15% faster for dual simplex. New symmetry detection capabilities dramatically reduce the time required to prove optimality on certain classes of models with integer variables. Performance has been improved on Markowitz portfolio problems with minimum buy quantities, and/or limit on number of instruments at nonzero level. Other enhancements provide faster solutions on certain task assignment-like models. Stability and robustness of the Global solver has been improved through several enhancements to quadratic recognition and range reduction. Improved exploitation of convexity of certain ratio constraints, e.g., as found in heat exchanger network design problems. Several new functions and constraint types are recognized, e.g., the =WBALLDIFF() All Different constraint, for general integer variables. The =WBALLDIFF() function allows one to specify a set of integer variables, such that each variable in the set must have a unique value, different from all other variables in the set.

GEO5 [Size: 1.05 GB] is a set of standalone programs that allows you to solve most of the geotechnical tasks. All programs have a similar user interface and are able to exchange data with each other. Each of them performs a comprehensive check of a specific type of design.

Key features: Stability Calculations - Check the stability of slopes, rock walls and fortified embankments. + Fencing structures - designing and checking the enclosing structures of foundation pits, underground structures. + Walls and supporting structures - Due diligence of walls and gabion structures. + Shallow foundations - checking the bearing capacity and settlement of individual strip and slab foundations. + Deep foundations - checking the bearing capacity and settlement of piles and pile clusters. + Settlement - calculation of settlement and consolidation, settlement of shallow and deep foundations. + Tunnels and Shafts - Analyze tunnels, underground structures, and vertical shafts. + Geological surveys - creating a model of the tunnel and base layers based on geological survey data. + Field Tests - Structural calculations based on field test data (SPT, CPT, DMT, PMT)

StataCorp Stata MP v16.0 [Size: 337 MB] ... StataCorp Stata MP 16 for Windows PC also known as Stata/MP provides the most extensive multicore support of any statistics and data management package. Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Almost every computer can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing capabilities of Stata/MP. Stata/MP lets you analyze data in one-half to two-thirds the time compared with Stata/SE on inexpensive dual-core laptops and in one-quarter to one-half the time on quad-core desktops and laptops. Stata/MP runs even faster on multiprocessor servers. Stata/MP supports up to 64 cores/processors. Stata/SE can analyze up to 2 billion observations. Stata/MP can analyze 10 to 20 billion observations on the largest computers currently available and is ready to analyze up to 1 trillion observations once computer hardware catches up. Stata/MP also allows 120000 variables compared to 32767 variables allowed by Stata/SE. Some procedures are not parallelized and some are inherently sequential, meaning they run the same speed in Stata/MP. For a complete assessment of Stata/MP’s performance, including command-by-command statistics. Stata/MP is the multiprocessor and multicore version of Stata. It’s primary purpose is to run faster. Most of the new features in Stata have been parallelized to run faster on Stata/MP, sometimes much faster.

WinRAR v5.90 (x86 and x64) [Size: 5.86 MB] ... WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format. You can try WinRAR before buy, its trial version is available in downloads. 1. Following issues are corrected in Windows high DPI mode: If text size in Windows settings was set to 150% or larger, the font size in WinRAR help was not increased accordingly, resulting in too small text; + default columns width in WinRAR file list was less than expected for 125% or larger Windows text setting. 2. Interface improvements for right to left languages: Proper text alignment in simple WinRAR prompts, such as confirmations to delete archived files or to clear the log file; + "OK", "Cancel", "Help" buttons in multi-page dialogs, such as archiving and extraction options or WinRAR settings, are aligned correctly and translated to default Windows display language. 3. Bugs fixed: WinRAR SFX module could load DLL libraries from its own executable folder as a result of calling some Windows API functions. It could lead to security threat if DLL files with malicious code were stored in the same folder as SFX archive. Now SFX module takes additional steps to prevent such situation in Windows Vista and newer. Be aware that users without latest Windows security patches installed also as Windows XP users still can be affected, so they must be especially careful to run SFX archive from a folder without suspicious DLL files; + WinRAR 5.30 failed to run .lnk files from file list.

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 v1912 Build 12325.20298 [Size: 3.76 GB for x64] ... Office Professional Plus 2019 includes Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, and Skype for Business. There isn’t a 2019 version of OneNote, but OneNote 2016 is available for Office 2019.

We recommend that you uninstall existing versions of Office before you deploy Office 2019. If you’re uninstalling previous versions of Office products that were installed with Windows Installer (MSI), the Office Deployment Tool can remove most of those for you as part of the installation of Office 2019. After downloading the installation files, internet access isn’t required to install, activate, or use Office 2019. There isn’t a 2019 version of SharePoint Designer or InfoPath. The last version for both products is 2013. Office 2019 is a valuable update for customers who aren’t yet ready for the cloud. And each time we release a new on-premises version of Office, customers ask us if this will be our last. We’re pleased to confirm that we’re committed to another on-premises release in the future.

Ce.A.S. s.r.l. ParatiePlus v20 [Size: 179 MB] ... In Italy as well as in many Countries worldwide, several designers rely on Paratie Plus in their retaining wall projects. For example, in the construction of the High Speed Trains guyed bridge over Po River near Piacenza, several cofferdams and other waterfront structures had been designed by our engineers using past versions of Paratie Plus. More recently, thank to the same design tool, other Italian engineering firms, have designed the temporary cofferdams for all river crossings along the new high speed train line linking Milano to Brescia. Stemming from a cooperation, since 1985, with professor Roberto Nova from Politecnico di Milano, Paratie Plus is a non linear analysis program conceived to model the soil-structure interaction of a flexible retaining wall, by means of the popular subgrade reaction method, a simple yet widely accepted approach in current design practice as well as by most of design standard worldwide, including Eurocodes.

Thanks to its effectiveness, Paratie Plus is a simple yet accurate retaining wall design tool. In most cases, a Paratie Plus analysis can be sufficient to completely define a wall design. However, even in very complex situations, Paratie Plus may provide valuable design information, at least in the preliminary design stages: if required, selected final layout will be more thoroughly analyzed, with more advance but complex programs such as FLAC. Since 2009, Paratie Plus evolved towards an integrated design environment, which offers several additional analysis options, including slope stability analysis and 2D seepage analysis. Some of the most relevant Paratie Plus features, which are hardly found in competitor tools on the market, are listed here: a rigorous soil model formulation within modern Soil Mechanics framework; a special constitutive model for clays in both drained and undrained conditions, based on critical state concepts; a realistic construction stage modelling, even for quite complex sequences; a general seepage scheme for layered soils; external loadings and interaction with nearby foundations modelling; in any construction stage, support and loading layout can be modified arbitrarily ( special non linear supports, prestressed ground anchors, struts, slabs and other features are allowed); two facing walls can be modelled thus allowing a coupled analysis of a sheetpile and its anchoring wall; a pseudo-static seismic procedure is included, based on a well documented proprietary algorithm; a GUI interface including, among many other features, a complete set of online correlations to assist the Users in selecting appropriate soil parameters based on most common in situ or lab tests; a linkage with the modern Limit Stated design methods, according to Eurocodes 7 and 8 as well as to NTC, EC2 , EC3 , AISC and ACI, for structural checks.

Deep Excavation SnailPlus 2012 v3.1.5.5 [Size: ] ... Snail Plus is soil nail analysis software. While soil nailing is also available in our DeepXcav software program, SnailPlus was created to bring all the necessary capabilities into one package. The software follows the FHWA methodology for the design of soil nail walls, in an interactive environment built on the DeepEX basic layout. This means that you can include all intermediate construction stages for your soil nail wall, include 3D loads, all in an interactive environment. Last, SnailPlus is the only software that produces a full printable report of all design calculations.

Who uses Snail-Plus? Many companies including deparment of transportation such as Texas DOT, WASH-DOT, GZA, Hayward Baker, ESC Limited, D'Appolonia, Berkel Construction, and more!

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro [Size: 3.99 GB] ... It is evolved version Microsoft Windows 8, which was released in 2013. The windows of the main changes can be noted that due to lack of user acceptance of the Metro user interface placed on the sidelines after directly to the page Windows startup Desktop directed. Supports high-resolution displays with products such as Microsoft Surface Pro finally able to market to compete with Apple and Google and pay. New features include a return to the Start button, Interface Search and changes in the user interface and new apps like Flipboard and Facebook and other customization features. You can have animated wallpapers and screensavers for any image that you like.

Added: NET Framework 3.5 + NET Framework 4.8 + DirectX runtime 2010 + Windows Defender Antivirus...

GeoStru Slope 2018.25.6.1275 [Size: 79 MB] ... Slope is the program which carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both in static and seismic states utilizing the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price and Discrete elements method (DEM) for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship. Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geofabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified. Distributed and point loads may be defined.

DianaFEM v10.3 [Size: 1.02 GB] ... DIANA (Displacement Analyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package that is dedicated, but not exclusive, to a wide range of problems arising in Civil engineering including structural, geotechnical, tunnelling, earthquake disciplines and oil; gas engineering. DIANA is a well proven and tested software package that has been used on various landmark projects all over the world. The program's robust functionality includes extensive material models, element libraries and analysis procedures, which are based on the latest and the most advanced finite element analysis techniques. DIANA has been equipped with powerful solvers in order to optimize the solution procedures for all types of linear and nonlinear complex models with accurate results and fast computations. Its unique analysis capabilities are empowered by full modeling capabilities in 2D and 3D environments and tools for CAD interoperability. With the continuous demand for more efficient utilisation of resources and materials, together with the increasingly complex nature of engineering structures, DIANA is the all in one solution, which provides the competitive advantage when tackling design and assessment work in a huge range of civil and geotechnical scenarios.

StructurePoint Concrete Software Solutions [Size: 289 MB] ... spBeam Version 3.6 - for analysis, design, and investigation of reinforced concrete beams, joist and one-way slab systems. spColumn Version 4.81 - for design and investigation of rectangular, round, and irregular concrete columns including slenderness effects. spFrame Version 1.50 - multi-purpose structural modeling and finite element analysis package for two- and three-dimensional buildings and structures with robust, straightforward, quick yet simple interface. spMats Version 8.01 - for analysis, design and investigation of concrete foundations, mats, combined footings, pile caps, slabs on grade, underground and buried structures. spSlab Version 3.6 - for analysis, design, and investigation of elevated reinforced concrete beams, joist, one-way, two-way and slab band systems. spWall Version 4.02 - ror analysis design and investigation of reinforced concrete, precast, ICF, tilt-up, retaining and architectural walls.

ITASCA Flac2D v8.00.454 [Size: 246 MB] ... FLAC, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two dimensions. FLAC is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to accommodate any kind of geotechnical engineering project that requires continuum analysis. FLAC utilizes an explicit finite difference formulation that can model complex behaviors, such as problems that consist of several stages, large displacements and strains, non-linear material behavior, or unstable systems (even cases of yield/failure over large areas, or total collapse).

GeoStru Formula 2019.7.3.425 [Size: 18.1 MB] ... Geological and Geotechnical formulas – Geostru Formula software includes a set of very broad topics. With Geostru Formula we created a practical and support software tool for all professionals in the geological and geotechnical field. GeoStru Formula solves different kinds of problems, for example, if you need to know the monodimensional consolidation coefficients. Geostru Formula looks for them in the integrated database or provides correlations to calculate them. In slope stability it is necessary to calculate the stability of an infinite slope? Or you need to get the special geotechnical parameters from in situ tests?. All this and more is included in Geostru Formula software with over 100 correlations available in extended form with formulas and graphs for comparison, dozens of formulas and a database containing tens of geotechnical properties and hundreds of materials. The software consists of a vast collection of correlations for: Geotechnical parameters such as cohesion and shear resistance angle, correlations between properties, soil index. + Surveys and soil tests: SPT, CPT, DMT. + Earth pressure: Rest, Active, Passive under static and dynamic conditions. + Consolidation parameters + Rock mechanics. + Permeability tests. + Stability of slopes. The integrated soil database constitutes a rich library of soil geotechnical characteristics. The database is user customizable, but shared with the central GEOSTRU database. Each time it is integrated with the new elements our server send a notification and transfers it to the end user. The transfer system is not limited to the replacement of files, but integrates the user’s own database.

GeoStru Liquiter 2019 v20.4.780 [Size: 49.1 MB] ... LIQUITER software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as: Factor of Safety against Liquefaction / Liquefaction Potential Index + Cyclic mobility of clay + Liquefaction of sand and clay + CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results + Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading + Residual Strength.

Deep Freeze v8.55.220.5505 [Size: 55.8 MB] ... Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state – right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated completely. The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a truly protected and parallel network, completely free of harmful viruses and unwanted programs.

DimSoln Foundation3D v3.8.5 [Size: 18.45 MB] ... A perfect solution for designing foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchangers, horizontal vessels, vertical vessels, fractionation towers, air filters, pipe racks and other plant supports or simply any structure that needs a simple spread or combined footing. We know that in the plant design world, civil / structural engineers are the last to receive crucial information but are the first ones required to produce final deliverables such as material quantities, foundation design drawings, piling drawings, excavation drawings. Therefore, automation in foundation design is a must in achieving important milestones of a very compressed project schedule. With Foundation3D 2018, you can consistently expect to meet or exceed your project schedule demands. From equipment-specific automated load calculations to generating design sketches, Foundation3D 2018 will increase your productivity significantly at every stage of your project.

OaSys Alp v19.2.0.15 [Size: 33.4 MB] ... Alp enables you to analyse laterally loaded piles with ease, producing outputs such as comparison graphs in minutes. The software predicts the pressures, horizontal movements, shear forces and bending moments induced in a pile when subjected to lateral loads, bending moments and imposed soil displacements. Lateral loads and bending moments can be applied at any point down the pile, as well as partial or full, lateral or bending moment restraints. Alp software is designed for piling projects of all sizes. You can tailor options to obtain and share results in a clear graphical output, even on the most demanding of projects. With numerous output capabilities and COM interface, Alp is a quick, accurate, and simple software solution for laterally-loaded pile analysis.

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