Articles by "Reinforced Concrete"

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A. K. Konstantinidis ... 293 pages - Publisher: PI-SYSTEMS; 4th edition (2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9608550637 - ISBN-13: 978-9608550636.

The book thoroughly discusses the subject of construction and detailing of earthquake resistant buildings from reinforced concrete, according to EUROCODES. More than 150 illustrations and constructional drawings are used to visualize the practices and examples explained.

Bill Mosley, J. H. Bungey, Ray Hulse ... 464 pages - Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 7th edition (April, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0230302858 - ISBN-13: 978-0230302853

The best-selling Reinforced Concrete Design provides a straightforward and practical introduction to the principles and methods used in the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. The book contains many worked examples to illustrate the various aspects of design that are presented in the text. The seventh edition of the text has been fully revised and updated to reflect the interpretation and use of Eurocode 2 since its introduction. Students and practitioners, both in the UK and elsewhere in the world where Eurocode 2 has been adopted, will find it a concise guide both to the basic theory and to appropriate design procedures. Design charts, tables and formulae are included as design aids and, for ease of reference, an appendix contains a summary of important design information. Features of the seventh edition are: * Completely revised to reflect recent experience of the usage of Eurocode 2 since its introduction in 2004 and its adoption in the UK as a design standard in 2010 * Further examples of the theory put into practice * A new chapter on water retaining structures in accordance with Eurocode 2, Part 3 * New sections on, for example, design processes including conceptual design, deep beams and an expanded treatment of designing for fire resistance.

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Luciano Nunziante, G. Serino, F. Carannante ... 258 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (July, 2009) ... Language: English - ASIN: B008KZ6TPM by Amazon.

Tools to Safeguard New Buildings and Assess Existing OnesNonlinear analysis methods such as static pushover are globally considered a reliable tool for seismic and structural assessment. But the accuracy of seismic capacity estimates—which can prevent catastrophic loss of life and astronomical damage repair costs—depends on the use of the correct basic input parameters. Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures simplifies the estimation of those vital parameters. Many design engineers make the relatively common mistake of using default properties of materials as input to nonlinear analyses without realizing that any minor variation in the nonlinear characteristics of constitutive materials, such as concrete and steel, could result in a solution error that leads to incorrect assessment or interpretation. Streamlined Analysis Using a Mathematical Model: To achieve a more accurate pushover analysis and improve general performance-based design, this book reassesses some key inputs, including axial force-bending moment yield interaction, moment-curvature, and moment-rotation characteristics. It analyzes these boundaries using a detailed mathematical model of reinforced concrete sections based on international codes, and then proposes design curves and tables derived from the authors’ studies using a variety of nonlinear tools, computer programs, and software. The text reviews relevant literature and describes mathematical modeling, detailing numerical procedures step by step. Including supplementary online material that can be used to compute any parameter, this reference delineates nonlinear properties of materials so that they can be used instantly for seismic analysis without having to solve cumbersome equations.

Jack C. McCormac, Russell H. Brown ... 736 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 9th edition (February, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118129849 - ISBN-13: 978-1118129845

The Ninth Edition of this bestselling book continues the successful tradition of earlier editions by introducing the fundamentals of reinforced concrete design in a clear and understandable manner. Numerous examples of the principles discussed are included. This edition includes revisions made by the American Concrete Institute in Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (318-08) and Commentary (318R-08). The text was prepared for an introductory three credit hour undergraduate course on reinforced concrete design. Nevertheless, sufficient material is included so that this textbook can be used for a second additional three credit hour undergraduate course. Further, this text is also useful for practicing engineers as it presents the latest requirements of the ACI design code.

    Thomas T. C. Hsu ... 410 pages - Publisher: Springer; (January, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9811332770 - ISBN-13: 978-9811332777.

    This book gathers 23 papers by top experts from 11 countries, presented at the 3rd Houston International Forum: Concrete Structures in Earthquake. Designing infrastructures to resist earthquakes has always been the focus and mission of scientists and engineers located in tectonically active regions, especially around the “Pacific Rim of Fire” including China, Japan, and the USA. The pace of research and innovation has accelerated in the past three decades, reflecting the need to mitigate the risk of severe damage to interconnected infrastructures, and to facilitate the incorporation of high-speed computers and the internet. The respective papers focus on the design and analysis of concrete structures subjected to earthquakes, advance the state of knowledge in disaster mitigation, and address the safety of infrastructures in general.

    Ulrich Häußler-Combe ... 354 pages - Publisher: Ernst&Sohn; (November, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3433030545 - ISBN-13: 978-3433030547

    The book covers the application of numerical methods to reinforced concrete structures. To analyze reinforced concrete structures linear elastic theories are inadequate because of cracking, bond and the nonlinear and time dependent behavior of both concrete and reinforcement. These effects have to be considered for a realistic assessment of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures with respect to ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states. The book gives a compact review of finite element and other numerical methods. The key to these methods is through a proper description of material behavior. Thus, the book summarizes the essential material properties of concrete and reinforcement and their interaction through bond. These basics are applied to different structural types such as bars, beams, strut and tie models, plates, slabs and shells. This includes prestressing of structures, cracking, nonlinear stress?strain relations, creeping, shrinkage and temperature changes. Appropriate methods are developed for each structural type. Large displacement and dynamic problems are treated as well as short-term quasi-static problems and long-term transient problems like creep and shrinkage. Most problems are illustrated by examples which are solved by the program package ConFem, based on the freely available Python programming language. The ConFem source code together with the problem data is available under open source rules at The author aims to demonstrate the potential and the limitations of numerical methods for simulation of reinforced concrete structures, addressing students, teachers, researchers and designing and checking engineers.

    Fernando A. N. Silva, Bernardo Horowitz, João M. P. Q. Delgado, António C. Azevedo ... 84 pages - Publisher: Springer; (April, 2019) ... Language: English - ASIN: B07QL4NVBH by Amazon.

    This book offers a new calculation procedure of the structural behavior of grouped layout of silos, easy to use and with satisfactory responses. Groups of reinforced concrete silos are structures commonly used in the food industry, where it is usually necessary to separate the storage of different types and sources of grain. The grouped layout of silos has numerous benefits when compared with single-cell silos in which the emphasis is on creating further space for silage, normally referred to as interstice – a space formed between the edges of the group’s cells. This economic benefit, on the other hand, raises a structural problem for the designer of this type of building, which is to assess the magnitude of bending moments and hoop forces due to the structural continuity of the walls in the interstice region of the cells. Bending moments assume extreme values exactly when the interstice is loaded and the other cells in the group are empty. To develop the formulation of the proposed analysis models, a parametric study was carried out that allowed the adequate consideration of the variables involved.

    Paul M. Chess ... 110 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2018) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07JVTDR9S.

    Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete structures is a technique for rescuing corrosion damaged structures and, in certain instances, preventing them from corroding in the first place, and its use is growing. This book is for specialist contractors, large consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures, and looks at international experience with this technique. It examines why corrosion is occurring, the differences in the application of CP with the stark dichotomy in its success and failure, and finally ways in which its performance can be improved on future installations. Information is valuable, as the success or failure of the CP system has a marked effect on the service life of the structure.

    Pierre Roberge ... 754 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; (April, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0071482431 - ISBN-13: 978-0071482431

    The Latest Methods for Preventing and Controlling Corrosion in All Types of Materials and Applications: Now you can turn to Corrosion Engineering for expert coverage of the theory and current practices you need to understand water, atmospheric, and high-temperature corrosion processes. This comprehensive resource explains step-by-step how to prevent and control corrosion in all types of metallic materials and applications-from steel and aluminum structures to pipelines. Filled with 300 illustrations, this skills-building guide shows you how to utilize advanced inspection and monitoring methods for corrosion problems in infrastructure, process and food industries, manufacturing, and military industries. Authoritative and complete, Corrosion Engineering features: Expert guidance on corrosion prevention and control techniques + Hands-on methods for inspection and monitoring of corrosion problems + New methods for dealing with corrosion + A review of current practice, with numerous examples and calculations. Inside This Cutting-Edge Guide to Corrosion Prevention and Control: • Introduction: Scope and Language of Corrosion • Electrochemistry of Corrosion • Environments: Atmospheric Corrosion • Corrosion by Water and Steam • Corrosion in Soils • Reinforced Concrete • High-Temperature Corrosion • Materials and How They Corrode: Engineering Materials • Forms of Corrosion • Methods of Control: Protective Coatings • Cathodic Protection • Corrosion Inhibitors • Failure Analysis and Design Considerations • Testing and Monitoring: Corrosion Testing and Monitoring.

    Robin Whittle ... 148 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415567017 - ISBN-13: 978-0415567015

    Some lessons are only learned from mistakes but, it’s much cheaper to learn from someone else’s mistakes than to have to do so from your own. Drawing on over fifty years of working with concrete structures, Robin Whittle examines the problems which he has seen occur and shows how they could have been avoided. The first and largest part of the book tells the stories of a number of cases where things have gone wrong with concrete structures. Each case is analyzed to identify its cause and how it might have been prevented. It then looks at how failures in structural modelling can lead to big problems if they are not identified before construction is undertaken. Beyond this it examines how contract arrangements can encourage or prevent problems in the designing and building processes. It concludes with an examination of the role research and development in preventing failures. By identifying the differences between shoddy economizations and genuine efficiency savings, this book offers savings in the short term which won’t be at the expense of a structure’s long-term performance. Invaluable reading if you’re designing or building concrete structures and want to avoid problems which could be expensive or embarrassing further down the line.

    StructurePoint Concrete Software Solutions [Size: 289 MB] ... spBeam Version 3.6 - for analysis, design, and investigation of reinforced concrete beams, joist and one-way slab systems. spColumn Version 4.81 - for design and investigation of rectangular, round, and irregular concrete columns including slenderness effects. spFrame Version 1.50 - multi-purpose structural modeling and finite element analysis package for two- and three-dimensional buildings and structures with robust, straightforward, quick yet simple interface. spMats Version 8.01 - for analysis, design and investigation of concrete foundations, mats, combined footings, pile caps, slabs on grade, underground and buried structures. spSlab Version 3.6 - for analysis, design, and investigation of elevated reinforced concrete beams, joist, one-way, two-way and slab band systems. spWall Version 4.02 - ror analysis design and investigation of reinforced concrete, precast, ICF, tilt-up, retaining and architectural walls.

    Comitee Euro-International du Beton ... 184 pages  - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing; (January, 1998) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727735462 - ISBN-13: 978-0727735461

    This detailed guide will enable the reader to understand the relative importance of the numerous parameters involved in seismic design and the relationships between them, as well as the motivations behind the choices adopted by the codes. For a structure to remain elastic under its design seismic action, typically associated with a 10% exceedance probability in 50 years, it has to be designed for lateral forces with magnitude in the order of 50% or more of its weight.

    Edward G. Nawy ... 936 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6th edition (2009)... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0132417030 - ISBN-13: 978-0132417037

    Now reflecting the new 2008 ACI 318-08 Code and the new International Building Code (IBC-2006), this cutting-edge text has been extensively revised to present  state-of-the-art developments in reinforced concrete. The text analyzes the design of reinforced concrete members through a unique and practical step-by-step trial and adjustment procedure. It is supplemented with flowcharts that guide readers logically through key features and underlying theory. Hundreds of photos of tests to failure of concrete elements help readers visualize this behavior. Ideal for practicing engineers who need to contend with the new revisions of the ACI, IBC, and AASHTO Codes.

    George G. Penelis, Gregory G. Penelis ... 876 pages - Publisher: CRC Press (March, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415537630 - ISBN-13: 978-0415537636.

    Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the scientific knowledge of earthquake engineering with a focus on the design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic regions. This book addresses practical design issues, providing an integrated, comprehensible, and clear presentation that is suitable for design practice. It combines current approaches to seismic analysis and design, with a particular focus on reinforced concrete structures, and includes: an overview of structural dynamics + analysis and design of new R/C buildings in seismic regions  + post-earthquake damage evaluation, pre earthquake assessment of buildings and retrofitting procedures + seismic risk management of R/C buildings within urban nuclei + extended numerical example applications. Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions determines guidelines for the proper structural system for many types of buildings, explores recent developments, and covers the last two decades of analysis, design, and earthquake engineering. Divided into three parts, the book specifically addresses seismic demand issues and the basic issues of structural dynamics, considers the "capacity" of structural systems to withstand seismic effects in terms of strength and deformation, and highlights existing R/C buildings under seismic action. All of the book material has been adjusted to fit a modern seismic code and offers in-depth knowledge of the background upon which the code rules are based. It complies with the last edition of European Codes of Practice for R/C buildings in seismic regions, and includes references to the American Standards in effect for seismic design.

    Antonio Nanni, Antonio De Luca, Hany Jawaheri Zadeh ... 418 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (March, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415778824 - ISBN-13: 978-0415778824

    Corrosion-resistant, electromagnetic transparent and lightweight fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are accepted as valid alternatives to steel in concrete reinforcement. Reinforced Concrete with FRP Bars: Mechanics and Design, a technical guide based on the authors’ more than 30 years of collective experience, provides principles, algorithms, and practical examples. Well-illustrated with case studies on flexural and column-type members, the book covers internal, non-prestressed FRP reinforcement. It assumes some familiarity with reinforced concrete, and excludes prestressing and near-surface mounted reinforcement applications. The text discusses FRP materials properties, and addresses testing and quality control, durability, and serviceability. It provides a historical overview, and emphasizes the ACI technical literature along with other research worldwide. Includes an explanation of the key physical mechanical properties of FRP bars and their production methods - Provides algorithms that govern design and detailing, including a new formulation for the use of FRP bars in columns - Offers a justification for the development of strength reduction factors based on reliability considerations - Uses a two –story building solved in Mathcad® that can become a template for real projects. This book is mainly intended for practitioners and focuses on the fundamentals of performance and design of concrete members with FRP reinforcement and reinforcement detailing. Graduate students and researchers can use it as a valuable resource.

    Alan William - 512 pages - Publisher: Professional Publications; 8th edition (June, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1591264960 - ISBN-13: 978-1591264965

    The Structural Engineering Reference Manual prepares you for the NCEES 16-hour Structural Engineering (SE) exam. It provides a comprehensive review of structural analysis and design methods related to vertical and lateral forces. All exam topics are covered, and exam-adopted codes and standards are frequently referenced. You will learn how to apply concepts by reviewing the 244 example problems, and you will strengthen your problem-solving skills by working the 44 end-of-chapter practice problems. Each problem’s complete solution lets you check your own solving approach. Access to supportive information is just as important as knowledge and problem-solving efficiency. The Structural Engineering Reference Manual’s thorough index easily directs you to the codes and concepts you will need during the exam. Cross references to more than 700 equations, 60 tables, 190 figures, 8 appendices, and relevant codes will point you to additional support material when you need it. Topics covered: Bridges + Foundations and Retaining Structures + Lateral Forces (Wind and Seismic) + Prestressed Concrete + Reinforced Concrete + Reinforced Masonry + Structural Steel + Timber.

    F. K. Kong ... 299 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (June, 1990) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0442302983 - ISBN-13: 978-0442302986

    The contents of this book have been chosen with the following main aims: to review the present coverage of the major design codes and the CIRIA guide, and to explain the fundamental behaviour of deep beams; to provide information on design topics which are inadequately covered by the current codes and design manuals; and to give authoritative reviews of some powerful concepts and techniques for the design and analysis of deep beams.

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