Articles by "Mechanics"

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Roy R. Craig Jr. ... 864 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (February, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470481811 - ISBN-13: 978-0470481813.

By emphasizing the three key concepts of mechanics of solids, this new edition helps engineers improve their problem-solving skills. They'll discover how these fundamental concepts underlie all of the applications presented, and they'll learn how to identify the equations needed to solve various problems. New discussions are included on literature reviews, focusing on the literature review found in proposals and research articles. Groupware communication tools including blogs, wikis and meeting applications are covered. More information is also presented on transmittal letters and PowerPoint style presentations.  And with the addition of detailed example problems, engineers will learn how to organize their solutions.

Timon Rabczuk, Jeong-Hoon Song, Xiaoying Zhuang, Cosmin Anitescu ... 617 pages - Publisher: Academic Press; (November, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B081GSKH27.

Extended Finite Element and Meshfree Methods provides an overview of, and investigates, recent developments in extended finite elements with a focus on applications to material failure in statics and dynamics. This class of methods is ideally suited for applications, such as crack propagation, two-phase flow, fluid-structure-interaction, optimization and inverse analysis because they do not require any remeshing. These methods include the original extended finite element method, smoothed extended finite element method (XFEM), phantom node method, extended meshfree methods, numerical manifold method and extended isogeometric analysis. This book also addresses their implementation and provides small MATLAB codes on each sub-topic. Also discussed are the challenges and efficient algorithms for tracking the crack path which plays an important role for complex engineering applications. Explains all the important theory behind XFEM and meshfree methods + Provides advice on how to implement XFEM for a range of practical purposes, along with helpful MATLAB codes + Draws on the latest research to explore new topics, such as the applications of XFEM to shell formulations, and extended meshfree and extended isogeometric methods + Introduces alternative modeling methods to help readers decide what is most appropriate for their work.

Xiaoshan Lin, Yixia (Sarah) Zhang, Prabin Pathak ... 256 pages - Publisher: Woodhead Publishing; (October, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07ZR92Z6Z.

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Composite and Reinforced Concrete Beams presents advanced methods and techniques for the analysis of composite and FRP reinforced concrete beams. The title introduces detailed numerical modeling methods and the modeling of the structural behavior of composite beams, including critical interfacial bond-slip behavior. It covers a new family of composite beam elements developed by the authors. Other sections cover nonlinear finite element analysis procedures and the numerical modeling techniques used in commercial finite element software that will be of particular interest to engineers and researchers executing numerical simulations.

The Contents: Gives advanced methods and techniques for the analysis of composite and fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) and reinforced concrete beams + Presents new composite beam elements developed by the authors + Introduces numerical techniques for the development of effective finite element models using commercial software + Discusses the critical issues encountered in structural analysis + Maintains a clear focus on advanced numerical modeling.

Javier E. Hasbun, Trinanjan Datta ... 570 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07YM3PN27.

Solid state physics, the study and prediction of the fundamental physical properties of materials, forms the backbone of modern materials science and has many technological applications. The unique feature of this text is the MATLABbased computational approach with several numerical techniques and simulation methods included. This is highly effective in addressing the need for visualization and a direct hands-on approach in learning the theoretical concepts of solid state physics. The code is freely available to all textbook users.

Additional Features: Uses the pedagogical tools of computational physics that have become important in enhancing physics teaching of advanced subjects such as solid state physics + Adds visualization and simulation to the subject in a way that enables students to participate actively in a hand-on approach + Covers the basic concepts of solid state physics and provides students with a deeper understanding of the subject matter + Provides unique example exercises throughout the text + Obtains mathematical analytical solutions + Carries out illustrations of important formulae results using programming scripts that students can run on their own and reproduce graphs and/or simulations + Helps students visualize solid state processes and apply certain numerical techniques using MATLAB®, making the process of learning solid state physics much more effective + Reinforces the examples discussed within the chapters through the use of end-of-chapter exercises + Includes simple analytical and numerical examples to more challenging ones, as well as computational problems with the opportunity to run codes, create new ones, or modify existing ones to solve problems or reproduce certain results

Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim, Nagesh R. Iyer, Sandeep Chaudhary ... 1104 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (July, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08CZDJDS6.

New Materials in Civil Engineering provides engineers and scientists with the tools and methods needed to meet the challenge of designing and constructing more resilient and sustainable infrastructures. This book is a valuable guide to the properties, selection criteria, products, applications, lifecycle and recyclability of advanced materials. It presents an A-to-Z approach to all types of materials, highlighting their key performance properties, principal characteristics and applications. Traditional materials covered include concrete, soil, steel, timber, fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber and reinforced polymers. In addition, the book covers nanotechnology and biotechnology in the development of new materials.

Covers a variety of materials, including fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber reinforced polymer and waste materials + Provides a “one-stop” resource of information for the latest materials and practical applications + Includes a variety of different use case studies.

Paul Kurowski ... 600 pages - Publisher: SDC Publications; (March, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1630571539 - ISBN-13: 978-1630571535.

Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018 goes beyond the standard software manual. Its unique approach concurrently introduces you to the SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018 software and the fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) through hands-on exercises. A number of projects are presented using commonly used parts to illustrate the analysis features of SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Each chapter is designed to build on the skills, experiences and understanding gained from the previous chapters.

Bofang Zhu ... 822 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (March, 2018) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07C8HGH2Z.

A comprehensive review of the Finite Element Method (FEM), this book provides the fundamentals together with a wide range of applications in civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. It addresses both the theoretical and numerical implementation aspects of the FEM, providing examples in several important topics such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, appealing to a wide range of engineering disciplines. Written by a renowned author and academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, The Finite Element Method would appeal to researchers looking to understand how the fundamentals of the FEM can be applied in other disciplines. Researchers and graduate students studying hydraulic, mechanical and civil engineering will find it a practical reference text.

David R. H. Jones, Mike F. Ashby ... 586 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 5th edition (January, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0081020511 - ISBN-13: 978-0081020517.

Widely adopted around the world, Engineering Materials 1 is a core materials science and engineering text for third- and fourth-year undergraduate students; it provides a broad introduction to the mechanical and environmental properties of materials used in a wide range of engineering applications. The text is deliberately concise, with each chapter designed to cover the content of one lecture. As in previous editions, chapters are arranged in groups dealing with particular classes of properties, each group covering property definitions, measurement, underlying principles, and materials selection techniques. Every group concludes with a chapter of case studies that demonstrate practical engineering problems involving materials. The 5th edition boasts expanded properties coverage, new case studies, more exercises and examples, and all-around improved pedagogy. Engineering Materials 1, Fifth Edition is perfect as a stand-alone text for a one-semester course in engineering materials or a first text with its companion Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing, in a two-semester course or sequence.

Vikrant Sharma, Atul Kumar, N. S. Baruaole, Mukesh Kumar ... 292 pages - Publisher: Alpha Science; (April, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1783323566 - ISBN-13: 978-1783323562.

Statics is one of the most important and fundamental courses in engineering mechanics. The objective of this book is to impart knowledge of fundamental concepts and to gain skill of identifying, formulating and solving engineering problems and also to apply concepts of statics in solving real life problems. The book starts with an introduction to mechanics and goes on to cover concepts of statics like system of forces, equilibrium, analysis of structures, centroid, moment of inertial, friction and stress strain. The topics are covered in an easy to understand manner. Since problem solving is critical in engineering mechanics, the solutions to the problems are given in a systematic and step-wise manner.

Sayavur I. Bakhtiyarov ... 125 pages - Publisher: Morgan&Claypool; (October, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 168173611X - ISBN-13: 978-1681736112.

Engineering mechanics is one of the fundamental branches of science that is important in the education of professional engineers of any major. Most of the basic engineering courses, such as mechanics of materials, fluid and gas mechanics, machine design, mechatronics, acoustics, vibrations, etc. are based on engineering mechanics courses. In order to absorb the materials of engineering mechanics, it is not enough to consume just theoretical laws and theorems—a student also must develop an ability to solve practical problems. Therefore, it is necessary to solve many problems independently. This book is a part of a four-book series designed to supplement the engineering mechanics courses. This series instructs and applies the principles required to solve practical engineering problems in the following branches of mechanics: statics, kinematics, dynamics, and advanced kinetics. Each book contains between 6 and 8 topics on its specific branch and each topic features 30 problems to be assigned as homework, tests, and/or midterm/final exams with the consent of the instructor. A solution of one similar sample problem from each topic is provided. This first book contains seven topics of statics, the branch of mechanics concerned with the analysis of forces acting on construction systems without an acceleration (a state of the static equilibrium). The book targets the undergraduate students of the sophomore/junior level majoring in science and engineering.

Oliver M. O'Reilly ... 540 pages - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press; 2nd edition (March, 2020) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1108494218 - ISBN-13: 978-1108494212.

Suitable for both senior-level and first-year graduate courses, this fully revised edition provides a unique and systematic treatment of engineering dynamics that covers Newton-Euler and Lagrangian approaches. New to this edition are: two completely revised chapters on the constraints on, and potential energies for, rigid bodies, and the dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies; clearer discussion on coordinate singularities and their relation to mass matrices and configuration manifolds; additional discussion of contravariant basis vectors and dual Euler basis vectors, as well as related works in robotics; improved coverage of navigation equations; inclusion of a 350-page solutions manual for instructors, available online; a fully updated reference list. Numerous structured examples, discussion of various applications, and exercises covering a wide range of topics are included throughout, and source code for exercises, and simulations of systems are available online.

J. M. Gere, B. J. Goodno ... 1120 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 8th edition (April, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1111577749 - ISBN-13: 978-1111577742.

The Eighth Edition of Mechanics of Materials continues its tradition as one of the leading texts on the market. With its hallmark clarity and accuracy, this text develops student understanding along with analytical and problem-solving skills. The main topics include analysis and design of structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, bending, and more. The book includes more material than can be taught in a single course giving instructors the opportunity to select the topics they wish to cover while leaving any remaining material as a valuable student reference.

Michael D. Kotsovos ... 221 pages - Publisher: Springer; (October, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319004875 - ISBN-13: 978-3319004877.

This book presents a method which simplifies and unifies the design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures and is applicable to any structural element under both normal and seismic loading conditions. The proposed method has a sound theoretical basis and is expressed in a unified form applicable to all structural members, as well as their connections. It is applied in practice through the use of simple failure criteria derived from first principles without the need for calibration through the use of experimental data. The method is capable of predicting not only load-carrying capacity but also the locations and modes of failure, as well as safeguarding the structural performance code requirements. In this book, the concepts underlying the method are first presented for the case of simply supported RC beams. The application of the method is progressively extended so as to cover all common structural elements. For each structural element considered, evidence of the validity of the proposed method is presented together with design examples and comparisons with current code specifications. The method has been found to produce design solutions which satisfy the seismic performance requirements of current codes in all cases investigated to date, including structural members such as beams, columns, and walls, beam-to-beam or column-to-column connections, and beam-to-column joints.

George F. Limbrunner, C. D'Allaird .. 552 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 6th edition (January, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0133840549 - ISBN-13: 978-0133840544.

This resource provides the necessary background in mechanics that is essential in many fields, such as civil, mechanical, construction, architectural, industrial, and manufacturing technologies. The focus is on the fundamentals of material statics and strength and the information is presented using an elementary, analytical, practical approach, without the use of Calculus. To ensure understanding of the concepts, rigorous, comprehensive example problems follow the explanations of theory, and numerous homework problems at the end of each chapter allow for class examples, homework problems, or additional practice for students. Updated and completely reformatted, the Sixth Edition of Applied Statics and Strength of Materials features color in the illustrations, chapter-opening Learning Objectives highlighting major topics, updated terminology changed to be more consistent with design codes, and the addition of units to all calculations.

Robert L. Mott, Joseph A. Untener ... 836 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 6th edition (November, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1498779298 - ISBN-13: 978-1498779296.

APPLIED STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 6/e, SI Units Version provides coverage of basic strength of materials for students in Engineering Technology (4-yr and 2-yr) and uses only SI units. Emphasizing applications, problem solving, design of structural members, mechanical devices and systems, the book has been updated to include coverage of the latest tools, trends, and techniques. Color graphics support visual learning, and illustrate concepts and applications. Numerous instructor resources are offered, including a Solutions Manual, PowerPoint slides, Figure Slides of book figures, and extra problems. With SI units used exclusively, this text is ideal for all Technology programs outside the USA.

Anthony M. Bedford, Wallace Fowler ... 656 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 5th edition (May, 2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0136129153 - ISBN-13: 978-0136129158.

This textbook is designed for introductory statics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. It better enables students to learn challenging material through effective, efficient examples and explanations. While covering the basic principles of mechanics in an example-driven format, this innovative book emphasizes critical thinking by presenting the reader with engineering situations. Compelling photorealistic art, and a robust photograph program helps readers to connect visually to the topics discussed.Features strong coverage of FBDs and important ABET topics. Chapter topics include: Vectors; Forces; Systems of Forces and Moments; Objects in Equilibrium; Structures In Equilibrium; Centroids and Centers of Mass; Moments of Inertia; Friction; Internal Forces and Moments; Virtual Work and Potential Energy.For professionals in mechanical, civil, aeronautical, or engineering mechanics fields.

Singiresu S. Rao ...  726 pages- Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 5th edition (December, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1856176614 - ISBN-13: 978-1856176613.

Finite Element Analysis is an analytical engineering tool originated by the Aerospace and nuclear power industries to find usable, approximate solutions to problems with many complex variables. It is an extension of derivative and integral calculus, and uses very large matrix arrays and mesh diagrams to calculate stress points, movement of loads and forces, and other basic physical behaviors. Rao provides a thorough grounding of the mathematical principles for setting up finite element solutions in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering applications. The new edition includes examples using modern computer tools such as Matlab, Ansys, Nastran, and Abaqus. Professional engineers will benefit from the introduction to the many useful applications of finite element analysis, and will gain a better understanding of its limitations and special uses. New to this edition: Examples and applications in Matlab, Ansys, and Abaqus Structured problem solving approach in all worked examples New discussions throughout, including the direct method of deriving finite element equations, use of strong and weak form formulations, complete treatment of dynamic analysis, and detailed analysis of heat transfer problems. More examples and exercises All figures revised and redrawn for clarity.

Ajaya Kumar Gupta ... 192 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (April, 1992) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0849386284 - ISBN-13: 978-0849386282.

New developments in the response spectrum method have led to calculations in seismic stresses that are more accurate, and usually lower, than those obtained by conventional methods. This new textbook examines the wealth of information on the response spectrum method generated by the latest research and presents the background theory in simplified form. Applications of these methods is essential in the seismic design of critical structures, such as nuclear power plants and petroleum facilities. In new construction, the reduced seismic stresses will result in efficient and economic design. For facilities already built, these more accurate methods can be used where the facility is being reassessed for higher loads and in the calculation of margins. Written by an acknowledged expert in this and related fields, this volume is ideal as a graduate text for courses in structural and earthquake engineering. It is also an excellent reference for civil, structural, mechanical, and earthquake engineers.

Amir Javidinejad ... 264 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (November, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1482258471 - ISBN-13: 978-1482258479.

Developed with stress analysts handling multidisciplinary subjects in mind, and written to provide the theories needed for problem solving and stress analysis on structural systems, Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis presents a variety of relevant topics—normally offered as individual course topics—that are crucial for carrying out the analysis of structures. This work explores concepts through both theory and numerical examples, and covers the analytical and numerical approaches to stress analysis, as well as isotropic, metallic, and orthotropic composite material analyses. Comprised of 13 chapters, this must-have resource: Establishes the fundamentals of material behavior required for understanding the concepts of stress analysis * Defines stress and strain, and elaborates on the basic concepts exposing the relationship between the two * Discusses topics related to contact stresses and pressure vessels * Introduces the different failure criteria and margins of safety calculations for ductile and brittle materials * Illustrates beam analysis theory under various types of loading * Introduces plate analysis theory * Addresses elastic instability and the buckling of columns and plates * Demonstrates the concept of fatigue and stress to life-cycle calculations * Explores the application of energy methods for determining deflection and stresses of structural systems *Highlights the numerical methods and finite element techniques most commonly used for the calculation of stress * Presents stress analysis methods for composite laminates * Explains fastener and joint connection analysis theory * Provides MathCAD® sample simulation codes that can be used for fast and reliable stress analysis. Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis is a quintessential guide detailing topics related to stress and structural analysis for practicing stress analysts in mechanical, aerospace, civil, and materials engineering fields and serves as a reference for higher-level undergraduates and graduate students.

Antonio Munjiza, Earl E. Knight, Esteban Rougier ... 486 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118405307 - ISBN-13: 978-1118405307.

Large Strain Finite Element Method: A Practical Course, takes an introductory approach to the subject of large strains and large displacements in finite elements and starts from the basic concepts of finite strain deformability, including finite rotations and finite displacements. The necessary elements of vector analysis and tensorial calculus on the lines of modern understanding of the concept of tensor will also be introduced. This book explains how tensors and vectors can be described using matrices and also introduces different stress and strain tensors. Building on these, step by step finite element techniques for both hyper and hypo-elastic approach will be considered.

Material models including isotropic, unisotropic, plastic and viscoplastic materials will be independently discussed to facilitate clarity and ease of learning. Elements of transient dynamics will also be covered and key explicit and iterative solvers including the direct numerical integration, relaxation techniques and conjugate gradient method will also be explored. This book contains a large number of easy to follow illustrations, examples and source code details that facilitate both reading and understanding. + Takes an introductory approach to the subject of large strains and large displacements in finite elements. No prior knowledge of the subject is required. + Discusses computational methods and algorithms to tackle large strains and teaches the basic knowledge required to be able to critically gauge the results of computational models. + Contains a large number of easy to follow illustrations, examples and source code details. + Accompanied by a website hosting code examples.

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