Articles by "Earthquake"

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P. Fajfar, H. Krawinkler ... 316 pages - Publication Date: (April, 2007) ... Language: English - ASIN: B000Q3653M by Amazon.

Forty scientists working in 13 different countries detail in this work the most recent advances in seismic design and performance assessment of reinforced concrete buildings. It is a valuable contribution in the mitigation of natural disasters.

S. F. Borg ... 346 pages - Publisher: Wspc; 2nd edition (August, 1988) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9971504359 - ISBN-13: 978-9971504359.

This book is the expanded version of the earlier (first edition) text. It presents new comprehensive rational quantitative theories (utilizing fundamental energy concepts throughout) covering the entire earthquake event from the point of view of the engineer. It starts with a mathematical analysis of an underground mechanism (the earthquake), then proceeds to determinations of the timewise and spacewise variations of the fundamental engineering damage-design parameter, the ground energy. Finally, the new theories are applied to a number of typical (actual) structural and non-structural design problems. Each chapter of the first edition has now been improved and enlarged and new chapters have been added to include recent research by the author and his graduate students.

Michael N. Fardis, Eduardo C. Carvalho, Peter Fajfar, Alain Pecker ... 419 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466559748 - ISBN-13: 978-1466559745. 

Seismic design of concrete buildings needs to be performed to a strong and recognized standard. Eurocode 8 was introduced recently in the 30 countries belonging to CEN, as part of the suite of Structural Eurocodes, and it represents the first European Standard for seismic design. It is also having an impact on seismic design standards in countries outside Europe and will be applied there for the design of important facilities. This book: Contains the fundamentals of earthquakes and their effects at the ground level, as these are affected by local soil conditions, with particular reference to EC8 rules + Provides guidance for the conceptual design of concrete buildings and their foundations for earthquake resistance +Overviews and exemplifies linear and nonlinear seismic analysis of concrete buildings for design to EC8 and their modelling  + Presents the application of the design verifications, member dimensioning and detailing rules of EC8 for concrete buildings, including their foundations + Serves as a commentary of the parts of EC8 relevant to concrete buildings and their foundations, supplementing them and explaining their proper application. Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings to Eurocode 8 suits graduate or advanced undergraduate students, instructors running courses on seismic design and practicing engineers interested in the sound application of EC8 to concrete buildings. Alongside simpler examples for analysis and detailed design, it includes a comprehensive case study of the conceptual design, analysis and detailed design of a realistic building with six stories above grade and two basements, with a complete structural system of walls and frames. Homework problems are given at the end of some of the chapters.

Jacky Mazars, Alain Millard ... 384 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; (April, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 184821071X - ISBN-13: 978-1848210714.

While the static behavior of concrete has been the subject of numerous works, the same cannot be said for the dynamic behavior. This book sets out to remedy this situation: it begins by presenting the most frequently used experimental techniques in the study of the dynamic behavior of concrete, then continues by examining seismicity and seismic behavior, soil behavior, models of concrete structures subject to seismic activity, seismic calculation methods of structures, and paraseismic engineering.

Ajaya Kumar Gupta ... 192 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (April, 1992) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0849386284 - ISBN-13: 978-0849386282.

New developments in the response spectrum method have led to calculations in seismic stresses that are more accurate, and usually lower, than those obtained by conventional methods. This new textbook examines the wealth of information on the response spectrum method generated by the latest research and presents the background theory in simplified form. Applications of these methods is essential in the seismic design of critical structures, such as nuclear power plants and petroleum facilities. In new construction, the reduced seismic stresses will result in efficient and economic design. For facilities already built, these more accurate methods can be used where the facility is being reassessed for higher loads and in the calculation of margins. Written by an acknowledged expert in this and related fields, this volume is ideal as a graduate text for courses in structural and earthquake engineering. It is also an excellent reference for civil, structural, mechanical, and earthquake engineers.

Jack Moehle ... 592 pages- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; (October, 2014) ... Language: English- ISBN-10: 0071839445- ISBN-13: 978-0071839440.

Complete coverage of earthquake-resistant concrete building design: Written by a renowned seismic engineering expert, this authoritative resource discusses the theory and practice for the design and evaluation of earthquakeresisting reinforced concrete buildings. The book addresses the behavior of reinforced concrete materials, components, and systems subjected to routine and extreme loads, with an emphasis on response to earthquake loading. Design methods, both at a basic level as required by current building codes and at an advanced level needed for special problems such as seismic performance assessment, are described. Data and models useful for analyzing reinforced concrete structures as well as numerous illustrations, tables, and equations are included in this detailed reference. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings covers: Seismic design and performance verification + Steel reinforcement + Concrete + Confined concrete + Axially loaded members + Moment and axial force + Shear in beams, columns, and walls  + Development and anchorage + Beam-column connections  + Slab-column and slab-wall connections  + Seismic design overview + Special moment frames + Special structural walls + Gravity framing + Diaphragms and collectors + Foundations

Farzad Naeim ... 830 pages - Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (March, 2001) .... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0792373014 - ISBN-13: 978-0792373018.

This handbook contains up-to-date existing structures, computer applications, and infonnation on planning, analysis, and design seismic design of wood structures. A new and very useful feature of this edition of earthquake-resistant building structures. Its intention is to provide engineers, architects, is the inclusion of a companion CD-ROM disc developers, and students of structural containing the complete digital version of the handbook itself and the following very engineering and architecture with authoritative, yet practical, design infonnation. It represents important publications: an attempt to bridge the persisting gap between l. UBC-IBC (1997-2000) Structural advances in the theories and concepts of Comparisons and Cross References, ICBO, earthquake-resistant design and their 2000. implementation in seismic design practice. 2. NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic The distinguished panel of contributors is Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-273, Federal Emergency Management Agency, composed of 22 experts from industry and universities, recognized for their knowledge and 1997. extensive practical experience in their fields. 3. NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelinesfor They have aimed to present clearly and the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-274, Federal Emergency concisely the basic principles and procedures pertinent to each subject and to illustrate with Management Agency, 1997. practical examples the application of these 4. NEHRP Recommended Provisions for principles and procedures in seismic design Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and practice. Where applicable, the provisions of Older Structures, Part 1 - Provisions, various seismic design standards such as mc­ FEMA-302, Federal Emergency 2000, UBC-97, FEMA-273/274 and ATC-40 Management Agency, 1997.

Kamalesh Kumar ... 152 pages - Publisher: New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers; (December, 2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8122420796 - ISBN-13: 978-8122420791.

This title features subject matter that is organised logically to make it easy and interesting for the students. Emphasis has been given on the basics of geotechnical earthquake engineering. Home work problems have been given at the end of each chapter to test the understanding of concepts given in the chapter. At the end of appropriate chapters solved numerical problems as well as exercise numerical problems as home work problems have also been to make the related concepts clear.

Ahmed Elghazouli ... 336 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (June, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415447623 - ISBN-13: 978-0415447621.

Practical information and training has become urgently needed for the new Eurocode 8 on the Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance, especially in relation to the underlying principles of seismic behaviour and the design of building structures. This book covers seismic design in a clear but brief manner and links the principles to the code, illustrated with design examples. Concrete and steel buildings, and their foundations, are given special emphasis but the book is widely applicable. It stems from practical short courses on seismic design, run jointly by the Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics and Imperial College London. Written by senior academics with significant consulting experience and by leading practitioners, it has a strong industry emphasis. It suits a wide range of practising civil and structural engineers, academics preparing courses and needing worked examples, and advanced undergraduate and Masters students in Earthquake, Structural or Geotechnical Engineering.

M. Hesham El Naggar, Ayman Shama ... 446 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (May, 2008) - Language: English ...

Purpose and Background: Soil dynamics is the branch of soil mechanics which deals with the behavior of soil and foundations under dynamic loads. Operation of rotary machines or hammers, and earthquake ground motions constitute a class of dynamic loads that usually challenge engineers in their design of different kinds of foundations. The main goal of this seminar is to provide a better understanding to practicing engineers and architects of the design and evaluation of foundations under this class of dynamic loads. Topics to be discussed include: Basic Principles of Soil Dynamics: Fundamental distinctions between static and dynamic problems; basic notions of soil dynamics; the nature of different types of dynamic loads; the significance of soil-structure interaction; dynamic soil properties. Dynamic Properties of Shallow and Pile Foundations: Impedance functions of foundations and pile groups; definition of stiffness, and damping, for circular shallow foundations and piles; non-circular shallow foundations; mathematical models for pile analysis. Rotating Machine and Hammer Foundations: Harmonic excitations due to rotary machines; response of rigid foundations in 1DOF; evaluation of the effects of vibration; coupled response of rigid foundations in two degrees of freedom; types of hammers and hammer foundations; design criteria; mathematical models; impact forces and impact eccentricity. Vibration Damage and Remedial Measures for Machine Foundations: Damage and disturbance; problem assessment and evaluation; remedial principles; examples from different industries; sources of error. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Fundamentals: Sources of seismic hazard; introduction to seismic waves; ground motion characterization and response spectra; evaluation of soil dynamic properties; site response analysis. Design of Foundations for Seismic Loads: Dynamic bearing capacity of shallow foundations; dynamic response analysis of shallow foundations; conventional methods of analysis of piles under seismic loads; seismic analysis of deep caissons; seismic design of retaining walls; solved examples from industry. Computer applications using DYNA-5: Types of foundations; types of soil models; types of loads; types of analysis and output; practical applications using DYNA-5.

A. K. Konstantinidis ... 293 pages - Publisher: PI-SYSTEMS; 4th edition (2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9608550637 - ISBN-13: 978-9608550636.

The book thoroughly discusses the subject of construction and detailing of earthquake resistant buildings from reinforced concrete, according to EUROCODES. More than 150 illustrations and constructional drawings are used to visualize the practices and examples explained.

Hyoung Woo Oh ... 354 pages - Publisher: InTech; (March, 2012) ... Language: English  - ISBN-13: 9789535102717

This book is served as a reference text to meet the needs of advanced scientists and research engineers who seek for their own computational fluid dynamics (CFD) skills to solve a variety of fluid flow problems.

Key Features: Flow Modeling in Sedimentation Tank  +  Greenhouse Environment + Hypersonic Aerodynamics + Cooling Systems Design + Photochemical Reaction Engineering + Atmospheric Reentry Problem + Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) + Atomization + Hydraulic Component Design + Air Conditioning System + Industrial Applications of CFD.

Ramin S. Esfandiari, Bei Lu ... 566 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (April, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466574933 - ISBN-13: 978-1466574939

Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, Second Edition introduces MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Simscape™ and then uses them throughout the text to perform symbolic, graphical, numerical, and simulation tasks. Written for junior or senior level courses, the textbook meticulously covers techniques for modeling dynamic systems, methods of response analysis, and provides an introduction to vibration and control systems. These features combine to provide students with a thorough knowledge of the mathematical modeling and analysis of dynamic systems. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Coverage of modeling and analysis of dynamic systems ranging from mechanical to thermal using Simscape + Utilization of Simulink for linearization as well as simulation of nonlinear dynamic systems + Integration of Simscape into Simulink for control system analysis and design. Each topic covered includes at least one example, giving students better comprehension of the subject matter. More complex topics are accompanied by multiple, painstakingly worked-out examples. Each section of each chapter is followed by several exercises so that students can immediately apply the ideas just learned. End-of-chapter review exercises help in learning how a combination of different ideas can be used to analyze a problem. This second edition of a bestselling textbook fully integrates the MATLAB Simscape Toolbox and covers the usage of Simulink for new purposes. It gives students better insight into the involvement of actual physical components rather than their mathematical representations.

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Luciano Nunziante, G. Serino, F. Carannante ... 258 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (July, 2009) ... Language: English - ASIN: B008KZ6TPM by Amazon.

Tools to Safeguard New Buildings and Assess Existing OnesNonlinear analysis methods such as static pushover are globally considered a reliable tool for seismic and structural assessment. But the accuracy of seismic capacity estimates—which can prevent catastrophic loss of life and astronomical damage repair costs—depends on the use of the correct basic input parameters. Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures simplifies the estimation of those vital parameters. Many design engineers make the relatively common mistake of using default properties of materials as input to nonlinear analyses without realizing that any minor variation in the nonlinear characteristics of constitutive materials, such as concrete and steel, could result in a solution error that leads to incorrect assessment or interpretation. Streamlined Analysis Using a Mathematical Model: To achieve a more accurate pushover analysis and improve general performance-based design, this book reassesses some key inputs, including axial force-bending moment yield interaction, moment-curvature, and moment-rotation characteristics. It analyzes these boundaries using a detailed mathematical model of reinforced concrete sections based on international codes, and then proposes design curves and tables derived from the authors’ studies using a variety of nonlinear tools, computer programs, and software. The text reviews relevant literature and describes mathematical modeling, detailing numerical procedures step by step. Including supplementary online material that can be used to compute any parameter, this reference delineates nonlinear properties of materials so that they can be used instantly for seismic analysis without having to solve cumbersome equations.

Thomas T. C. Hsu ... 410 pages - Publisher: Springer; (January, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9811332770 - ISBN-13: 978-9811332777.

This book gathers 23 papers by top experts from 11 countries, presented at the 3rd Houston International Forum: Concrete Structures in Earthquake. Designing infrastructures to resist earthquakes has always been the focus and mission of scientists and engineers located in tectonically active regions, especially around the “Pacific Rim of Fire” including China, Japan, and the USA. The pace of research and innovation has accelerated in the past three decades, reflecting the need to mitigate the risk of severe damage to interconnected infrastructures, and to facilitate the incorporation of high-speed computers and the internet. The respective papers focus on the design and analysis of concrete structures subjected to earthquakes, advance the state of knowledge in disaster mitigation, and address the safety of infrastructures in general.

H. A. Buchholdt, S. E. Moossavi Nejad ... 224 pages - Publisher: ICE Publishing; 2nd edition (November, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727741764 - ISBN-13: 978-0727741769

Provides a thoroughly updated introduction to the vibration of structures, dynamic testing and the dynamic behaviour of structures. This new edition also discusses the theory underpinning common computer design and modelling packages. Since publication of the first edition there has been increased level of construction of taller buildings and longer-span bridges which are susceptible to earthquakes and strong winds and a greater knowledge of dynamics and dampening of structural vibrations is required. Computer technology and programmes have also advanced rapidly and up-to-date coverage of these aspects is included. The introduction of Eurocodes is also considered.

Farzad Hejazi, Keyhan Karimzadeh ... 536 pages - Publisher: Springer; (May, 2018) ... Language: English - ASIN: B07D35VGBD by Amazon

This book presents an analysis procedure for structures that are exposed to the lateral loads such as earthquake and wind. It includes the process for calculating and distributing the effective load into structural elements, as well as for calculating the displacements for different types of structures, e.g. reinforced concrete and steel framed structures. The book provides civil engineers with clear guidelines on how to perform seismic analysis for various building systems, and how to distribute the lateral load to the structural components. This book consists of 4 chapters: The first chapter offers an introduction, while Chapter 2 discusses moment resistance frame. The final two chapters explore shear wall frames and brace frames respectively. Each chapter follows the same structure, explaining step by step all the necessary algorithms, equations and procedures for calculating 1) loads, 2) the centre of mass, 3) stiffness of structures, 4) centre of stiffness, 5) lateral loading, 6) the distribution of lateral loads, and 7) the lateral displacement. Demonstrating the implementation of real building analysis, the book provides architectural drawings and structural plans at the beginning of each chapter.

Mohiuddin Ali Khan ... 436 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (March, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0323281869 - ISBN-13: 978-0323281867

Earthquake engineering is the ultimate challenge for structural engineers. Even if natural phenomena involve great uncertainties, structural engineers need to design buildings, bridges, and dams capable of resisting the destructive forces produced by them. These disasters have created a new awareness about the disaster preparedness and mitigation. Before a building, utility system, or transportation structure is built, engineers spend a great deal of time analyzing those structures to make sure they will perform reliably under seismic and other loads. The purpose of this book is to provide structural engineers with tools and information to improve current building and bridge design and construction practices and enhance their sustainability during and after seismic events. In this book, Khan explains the latest theory, design applications and Code Provisions. Earthquake-Resistant Structures features seismic design and retrofitting techniques for low and high raise buildings, single and multi-span bridges, dams and nuclear facilities. The author also compares and contrasts various seismic resistant techniques in USA, Russia, Japan, Turkey, India, China, New Zealand, and Pakistan.

Comitee Euro-International du Beton ... 184 pages  - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing; (January, 1998) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727735462 - ISBN-13: 978-0727735461

This detailed guide will enable the reader to understand the relative importance of the numerous parameters involved in seismic design and the relationships between them, as well as the motivations behind the choices adopted by the codes. For a structure to remain elastic under its design seismic action, typically associated with a 10% exceedance probability in 50 years, it has to be designed for lateral forces with magnitude in the order of 50% or more of its weight.

Russell C. Hibbeler ... 768 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 13th edition (April, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0132911272 - ISBN-13: 978-0132911276

In his revision of Engineering Mechanics, R.C. Hibbeler empowers students to succeed in the whole learning experience. Hibbeler achieves this by calling on his everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn inside and outside of lecture. This text is ideal for civil and mechanical engineering professionals.

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