Articles by "Buildings"

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Nicholas Cook ... 150 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing (January, 1999) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727727559 - ISBN-13: 978-0727727558.

All buildings in the UK must now adhere to the recently published wind code BS 6399-2. The introduction of a new code is often traumatic, especially so in this case,as the previous code has been in place for 25 years.
The author's considerable practical knowledge of wind engineering, together with his involvement in drafting this standard and his experience in conducting workshops on this subject make him the ideal person to convey the strengths and weaknesses of BS 6399-2 in this guide. Following recent amendments to BS 6399-2 (2002) this popular guide has been revised.

Luís Simões da Silva, Rui Simões, Helena Gervasio ...  462 pages - Publisher: Ernst&Sohn; (June, 2010) ... Language: English  - ISBN-10: 3433029733 - ISBN-13: 978-3433029732.

This book introduces the fundamental design concept of Eurocode 3 for current steel structures in building construction, and their practical application. Following a discussion of the basis of design, including the principles of reliability management and the limit state approach, the material standards and their use are detailed. The fundamentals of structural analysis and modeling are presented, followed by the design criteria and approaches for various types of structural members. The theoretical basis and checking procedures are closely tied to the Eurocode requirements. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design, each exemplified by the step-by-step design calculation of a braced steel-framed building and an industrial building, respectively. Besides providing the necessary theoretical concepts for a good understanding, this manual intends to be a supporting tool for the use of practicing engineers. In order of this purpose, throughout the book, numerous worked examples are provided, concerning the analysis of steel structures and the design of elements under several types of actions. These examples will facilitate the acceptance of the code and provide for a smooth transition from earlier national codes to the Eurocode.

Manoochehr Zoghi ...  706 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (September, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0849320135 - ISBN-13: 978-0849320132.

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have become an integral part of the construction industry because of their versatility, enhanced durability and resistance to fatigue and corrosion, high strength-to-weight ratio, accelerated construction, and lower maintenance and life-cycle costs. Advanced FRP composite materials are also emerging for a wide range of civil infrastructure applications. These include everything from bridge decks, bridge strengthening and repairs, and seismic retrofit to marine waterfront structures and sustainable, energy-efficient housing. The International Handbook of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering brings together a wealth of information on advances in materials, techniques, practices, nondestructive testing, and structural health monitoring of FRP composites, specifically for civil infrastructure.With a focus on professional applications, the handbook supplies design guidelines and standards of practice from around the world. It also includes helpful design formulas, tables, and charts to provide immediate answers to common questions.

Ahmed Elghazouli ... 336 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (June, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415447623 - ISBN-13: 978-0415447621.

Practical information and training has become urgently needed for the new Eurocode 8 on the Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance, especially in relation to the underlying principles of seismic behaviour and the design of building structures. This book covers seismic design in a clear but brief manner and links the principles to the code, illustrated with design examples. Concrete and steel buildings, and their foundations, are given special emphasis but the book is widely applicable. It stems from practical short courses on seismic design, run jointly by the Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics and Imperial College London. Written by senior academics with significant consulting experience and by leading practitioners, it has a strong industry emphasis. It suits a wide range of practising civil and structural engineers, academics preparing courses and needing worked examples, and advanced undergraduate and Masters students in Earthquake, Structural or Geotechnical Engineering.

Michael S. Mamlouk, John P. Zaniewski ... 672 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 4th edition (January, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0134320530 - ISBN-13: 978-0134320533.

Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers helps readers understand and select the materials involved in supporting the infrastructure needs of society--from buildings, to water and treatment distribution systems, to dams, highways, and airport pavements. By gaining a deep understanding of material behavior and the material selection process, readers can begin to understand how to create and maintain civil and construction engineering systems crucial to society. The primary focus of the updates presented in this fourth edition was on the sustainability of materials used in civil and construction engineering. The information on sustainability was updated and expanded to include the most recent information. In addition, sections were added describing the sustainability considerations of each material. The problem set for each chapter was updated and increased to provide some fresh exercises. References were updated and increased in all chapters to provide students with additional reading on current issues related to different materials.

A. K. Konstantinidis ... 293 pages - Publisher: PI-SYSTEMS; 4th edition (2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9608550637 - ISBN-13: 978-9608550636.

The book thoroughly discusses the subject of construction and detailing of earthquake resistant buildings from reinforced concrete, according to EUROCODES. More than 150 illustrations and constructional drawings are used to visualize the practices and examples explained.

Ulrich Häußler-Combe ... 354 pages - Publisher: Ernst&Sohn; (November, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3433030545 - ISBN-13: 978-3433030547

The book covers the application of numerical methods to reinforced concrete structures. To analyze reinforced concrete structures linear elastic theories are inadequate because of cracking, bond and the nonlinear and time dependent behavior of both concrete and reinforcement. These effects have to be considered for a realistic assessment of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures with respect to ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states. The book gives a compact review of finite element and other numerical methods. The key to these methods is through a proper description of material behavior. Thus, the book summarizes the essential material properties of concrete and reinforcement and their interaction through bond. These basics are applied to different structural types such as bars, beams, strut and tie models, plates, slabs and shells. This includes prestressing of structures, cracking, nonlinear stress?strain relations, creeping, shrinkage and temperature changes. Appropriate methods are developed for each structural type. Large displacement and dynamic problems are treated as well as short-term quasi-static problems and long-term transient problems like creep and shrinkage. Most problems are illustrated by examples which are solved by the program package ConFem, based on the freely available Python programming language. The ConFem source code together with the problem data is available under open source rules at The author aims to demonstrate the potential and the limitations of numerical methods for simulation of reinforced concrete structures, addressing students, teachers, researchers and designing and checking engineers.

O. Hennessy, R. Brooker ... 70 pages - Publisher: The Concrete Centre; (August, 2008) ... ISBN-10: 1904482465 - ISBN-13: 978-1904482468 

Concrete cellular structures are used extensively for residential buildings. In concept they are structurally simple but they require attention to detail to realise the benefi ts of ease of construction and economy. This guide is written for the structural engineer who has knowledge of building structures in general but who has limited or no experience of designing concrete cellular structures. It highlights areas that require close coordination between the structural and services engineers, the architect and importantly the system supplier. It also provides guidance on selecting an appropriate solution, sizing the structure and carrying out detailed design. Detailing considerations are explained, some of which have to be considered at the early stages of a project to achieve an effi cient building configuration.

Mohiuddin Ali Khan ... 436 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (March, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0323281869 - ISBN-13: 978-0323281867

Earthquake engineering is the ultimate challenge for structural engineers. Even if natural phenomena involve great uncertainties, structural engineers need to design buildings, bridges, and dams capable of resisting the destructive forces produced by them. These disasters have created a new awareness about the disaster preparedness and mitigation. Before a building, utility system, or transportation structure is built, engineers spend a great deal of time analyzing those structures to make sure they will perform reliably under seismic and other loads. The purpose of this book is to provide structural engineers with tools and information to improve current building and bridge design and construction practices and enhance their sustainability during and after seismic events. In this book, Khan explains the latest theory, design applications and Code Provisions. Earthquake-Resistant Structures features seismic design and retrofitting techniques for low and high raise buildings, single and multi-span bridges, dams and nuclear facilities. The author also compares and contrasts various seismic resistant techniques in USA, Russia, Japan, Turkey, India, China, New Zealand, and Pakistan.

Isaac Elishakoff ... 752 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (October, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0849328926 - ISBN-13: 978-0849328923

The engineering community generally accepts that there exists only a small set of closed-form solutions for simple cases of bars, beams, columns, and plates. Despite the advances in powerful computing and advanced numerical techniques, closed-form solutions remain important for engineering; these include uses for preliminary design, for evaluation of the accuracy of approximate and numerical solutions, and for evaluating the role played by various geometric and loading parameters. Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions offers the first new treatment of closed-form solutions since the works of Leonhard Euler over two centuries ago. It presents simple solutions for vibrating bars, beams, and plates, as well as solutions that can be used to verify finite element solutions. The closed solutions in this book not only have applications that allow for the design of tailored structures, but also transcend mechanical engineering to generalize into other fields of engineering. Also included are polynomial solutions, non-polynomial solutions, and discussions on axial variability of stiffness that offer the possibility of incorporating axial grading into functionally graded materials. This single-package treatment of inhomogeneous structures presents the tools for optimization in many applications. Mechanical, aerospace, civil, and marine engineers will find this to be the most comprehensive book on the subject. In addition, senior undergraduate and graduate students and professors will find this to be a good supplement to other structural design texts, as it can be easily incorporated into the classroom.

W. M. C. McKenzie ... 736 pages - Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0230217710 - ISBN-13: 978-0230217713 

Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of this well-respected book provides the most comprehensive coverage of structural design, ideal for undergraduates in all years of civil engineering and structural engineering courses. Fully up-to-date with the most recent structural Eurocodes, it provides a detailed study of design using the four most important materials for construction: concrete, steel, timber and masonry. Design of Structural Elements - is fully up-to-date for the structural Eurocodes - features a wealth of practical problems and real-world examples - includes more than 500 easy-to-follow diagrams - comprehensively covers all the key topics, including a detailed section on structural analysis Translating theory into practice with plenty of worked examples, this user-friendly text is an indispensable resource both for students and for practising engineers looking to refresh their knowledge.

Kim Elliott - 388 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (April, 2002) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0750650842 - ISBN-13: 978-0750650847

Precast Concrete Structures introduces the subject in detail, looking at the design process, manufacture and construction using precast concrete for multi-storey buildings. Detailed structural analysis of the material and its use is provided. The theory is supported by practical case studies, worked examples and explanatory illustrations throughout. Endorsed by the British Precast Concrete Federation and written by an acknowledged authority, this is the first book to explain and educate the student in the uses and advantages of precast concrete.

John Newman, B. S. Choo ... 704 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (December, 2003) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0750651059 -  ISBN-13: 978-0750651059

Based on the Institute of Concrete Technology's Advanced Concrete Technology Course, these four volumes are a comprehensive educational and reference resource for the concrete materials technologist. An expert international team of authors from research, academia and industry has been brought together to produce this unique series. Each volume deals with a different aspect of the subject: constituent materials, properties, processes and testing and quality. With worked examples, case studies and illustrations throughout, the books will be a key reference for the concrete specialist for years to come.

Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle ... 272 pages - Publisher: Ernst & Sohn; 1st edition (August, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3433029601 - ISBN-13: 978-3433029602

The book reflects the current situation in precast concrete construction. Besides general observations regarding building with precast concrete elements, the book focuses first and foremost on the boundary conditions for the design of precast concrete structures, loadbearing elements and facades. Connections and specific structural and constructional issues are covered in detail and stability of precast concrete structures is another central theme. The requirements brought about by the emergence of the European Single Market are explained and the diverse possibilities for facade design are presented. A chapter on the production processes provides the reader with an indispensable insight into the characteristics of this form of industrialised building. The book is a practical tool for engineers, but certainly also architects and students. One of the authors' intentions is to demonstrate to engineers and architects the possibilities that factory prefabrication can offer, and hence pave the way towards the economic application and ongoing development of precast concrete construction.

George G. Penelis, Gregory G. Penelis ... 876 pages - Publisher: CRC Press (March, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415537630 - ISBN-13: 978-0415537636.

Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the scientific knowledge of earthquake engineering with a focus on the design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic regions. This book addresses practical design issues, providing an integrated, comprehensible, and clear presentation that is suitable for design practice. It combines current approaches to seismic analysis and design, with a particular focus on reinforced concrete structures, and includes: an overview of structural dynamics + analysis and design of new R/C buildings in seismic regions  + post-earthquake damage evaluation, pre earthquake assessment of buildings and retrofitting procedures + seismic risk management of R/C buildings within urban nuclei + extended numerical example applications. Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions determines guidelines for the proper structural system for many types of buildings, explores recent developments, and covers the last two decades of analysis, design, and earthquake engineering. Divided into three parts, the book specifically addresses seismic demand issues and the basic issues of structural dynamics, considers the "capacity" of structural systems to withstand seismic effects in terms of strength and deformation, and highlights existing R/C buildings under seismic action. All of the book material has been adjusted to fit a modern seismic code and offers in-depth knowledge of the background upon which the code rules are based. It complies with the last edition of European Codes of Practice for R/C buildings in seismic regions, and includes references to the American Standards in effect for seismic design.

Patrick Paultre ... 816 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; 1st edition (November, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1848210639 - ISBN-13: 978-1848210639

This book covers structural dynamics from a theoretical and algorithmic approach. It covers systems with both single and multiple degrees-of-freedom. Numerous case studies are given to provide the reader with a deeper insight into the practicalities of the area, and the solutions to these case studies are given in terms of real-time and frequency in both geometric and modal spaces. Emphasis is also given to the subject of seismic loading. The text is based on many lectures on the subject of structural dynamics given at numerous institutions and thus will be an accessible and practical aid to students of the subject. Key features: Examines the effects of loads, impacts, and seismic forces on the materials used in the construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and more + Structural dynamics is a critical aspect of the design of all engineered/designed structures and objects - allowing for accurate prediction of their ability to withstand service loading, and for knowledge of failure-causeing or critical loads.

Pu Xincheng ... 276 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (September, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 041551715X - ISBN-13: 978-0415517157

When produced correctly, concrete can be extremely strong, with high load-bearing capacity and superior durability. Another noteworthy property is the relatively low amount of energy and resources consumed during production. Super-High-Strength High Performance Concrete brings together the results of a major research project by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Doctoral Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China. This ten-year project explored the properties, performance, and potential of super-high-strength high performance (SHSHP) concrete.With a view towards improved production that optimizes the strength and durability of concrete, the book presents a host of topics on the cutting edge of concrete research.

These include: A new method for the specific strength analysis of the pozzolanic effect of active mineral admixtures +Analysis of the strength composition of SHSHP concrete +Optimization of raw materials and mix proportion parameters for strength and flowability +Analysis of the mechanical properties, deformation, and durability of SHSHP concrete +Methods for decreasing autogeneous shrinkage + Testing methods for SHSHP concrete. The book concludes with a consideration of the practical and economic benefits of these optimized concretes. A systematic study of the different aspects of this essential commodity as well as the future direction of concrete science and technology, this book is a valuable resource for material scientists and engineers engaged in developing better structures.

Mario Paz ... 545 pages - Publisher: Springer; (October, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1461358590 - ISBN-13: 978-1461358596

The subject of earthquake engineering has been the focus of my teaching and research for many years. Thus, when Mario Paz, the editor of this handbook, asked me to write a Foreword, I was interested and honored by his request. Worldwide, people are beginning to understand the severity of the danger to present and future generations caused by the destruction of the environment. Earthquakes pose a similar threat; thus, the proper use of methods for earthquake-resistant design and construction is vitally important for countries that are at high risk of being subjected to strong-motion earthquakes. Most seismic activity is the result of tectonic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are very special events in that, although they occur frequently, their probability of becoming natural hazards for a specific urban area is very small. When a severe earthquake does occur near an urban area, however, its consequences are very large in terms of structural destruction and human suffering.

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